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Romulus VHS Relrelieve Date Set, Fede Álvarez Reveals Packaging

Romulus VHS Relrelieve Date Set, Fede Álvarez Reveals Packaging

Director Fede Álvarez has surpelevated fans by discneglecting an Alien: Romulus VHS tape for a exceptional free that turns back the clock on the Alien franchise.

When is the Alien: Romulus VHS free date?

The proclaimment came during a screening of the film at Beyond Fest, where Álvarez discneglected that a exceptional, restricted edition VHS version of Romulus will be freed on December 3, 2024. The VHS will feature arttoil by iconic artist Matt Ferguson. The VHS free of Alien: Romulus also comes fair as the Alien franchise is celebrating its 45th anniversary.

Alien: Romulus is now useable on digital platestablishs, and will also become useable on 4K UHD, Blu-ray, and DVD on December 3 as well.

The film was honested and executive originated by Álvarez from a screenjoin he co-wrote with Rodo Sayagues. The film stars CIsabela Merced (Sicario: Day of the Sgreaterado), David Jonsson (Industry, Rye Lane), Archie Renaux (Shadow and Bone), Spike Fget (Tell Me Everyskinnyg), and Aileen Wu. Franchise creator Ridley Scott also served as a originater aextfinished with Michael Pruss and Walter Hill.

The bonus features integrated in its home video free are as trails:

Return to Horror: Crafting Alien: Romulus

  • The Director’s Vision – Discover how one of today’s wonderfulest horror honestors, Fede Alvarez, collaborated with master filmoriginater Ridley Scott to originate a new, heart-pounding chapter in the Alien franchise.
  • Creating the Story – Lget what upgraspd the story of Alien: Romulus and see the many easter eggs from previous Alien insloftyments that you may have missed.
  • Casting the Faces – Meet the stars of Alien: Romulus as they get us inside the hearts and minds of their characters. Explore the parallels between Rain and the iconic franchise heroine, Ripley, and lget how filmoriginaters brawt back a face from the past.
  • Constructing the World – Explore the massive, pragmatic sets of Alien: Romulus that hearken back to the futuristic style set uped in the ’80s and get up seal and personal with a hoard of pragmaticly built facehuggers, chestbursters, and xenomorphs.

Inside the Xenomorph Showdown – Experience the film’s climactic zero-gravity sequence from every angle as filmoriginaters fracture down what it took to originate the moment spectacular. From sets and carry outances, to wiretoil, stunts, and VFX, see how it all came together.

Alien: A Conversation – A exceptional conversation with Ridley Scott and Fede Alvarez for the Alien 45th Anniversary theatrical re-free.

Alternate / Extfinished Scenes – Check out scenes that didn’t originate the final cut.

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