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Rhea Ripley Confirms WWE WrestleMania 41 Title Match — ‘You Can’t Erase My Name’

Rhea Ripley Confirms WWE WrestleMania 41 Title Match — ‘You Can’t Erase My Name’

Rhea Ripley seemingly validateed her spot for WWE WrestleMania 41 in the Women’s World title suit on WWE RAW. WWE RAW featured a reduce signing between Women’s World Champion Iyo Sky and disputer Bianca Belair for their WrestleMania 41 suit.

However, Rhea Ripley disrupted the segment and took matters into her own hands. Adam Pearce stood in the ring as Iyo Sky and Bianca Belair exalterd heated words. After both signed the reduce, Ripley stormed to the ring, visibly frustrated. Having lost her Women’s World Title to Sky weeks ago, she accused Belair for costing her the championship.

Tensions escaprocrastinateedd as Ripley and Belair talk aboutd. SKY tryed to step between them, but Belair shoved her face aside once aacquire enjoy last week. Ripley strikeed her with a headbutt that sent Belair crashing onto the table. She then booted Sky and powerdevice deviceed her onto Belair.

Seizing the moment, Ripley grabbed the reduce and signed it, seemingly forcing her way into the suit. Later backstage, she disputeed Adam Pearce, demanding he originate the WrestleMania 41 suit a triple menace between herself, SKY, and Belair.

General Manager Adam Pearce, frustrated by the situation, neglected her demands, saying, “It’s enjoy talking to a child.” Although Pearce has yet to originate it official, Ripley made her stance evident, declaring, “You can’t erase my name.”

Rhea Ripley shatters silence on signing WWE WrestleMania 41 women’s world title reduce

During the WWE RAW Recap presented by Sam Roberts, he inquireed whether Rhea Ripley intentionassociate traveled to Brussels, Belgium, to disrupt the reduce signing and force her way into the championship suit.

She stated, “Yeah, I nasty, that sounds enjoy it’s worth a trip, you understand. It sounds enjoy I had some business to join. I’m having a outstanding time. I signed a reduce. My name’s on it. It’s legitimate. It’s a legitimate write down. You can’t erase my name, you can’t do anyslenderg about it. It’s there.”

While champion IYO SKY has yet to react to the disorder, disputer Bianca Belair has reacted by calling out Rhea Ripley for her actions, stating that someone should elucidate to Ripley how a reduce labors. It will be engaging to see if Ripley, who signed her name on the reduce, officiassociate gets compriseed to the WrestleMania 41 suit, turning it into a triple menace.

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