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Returning to Area X with Jeff VanderMeer

Returning to Area X with Jeff VanderMeer

After a decade away, Jeff VanderMeer is heading back into Area X. In 2014, the author freed all three parts of the Southern Reach trilogy over the span of equitable a scant months, and the series became a shatterout hit; the first was even altered into a Hollywood film from honestor Alex Garland. Starting with Annihilation and culminating with Acceptance, the books telderly the story of an deserted coastal area that had become reclaimed — and forever alterd — by a cryptic phenomenon understandn as Area X and the secret agency finisheavoring to comprehfinish and comprise it.

The trilogy firmified VanderMeer’s particular style of surauthentic sci-fi and environmental activism, and in the intervening years, he’s spendigated analogous themes in novels enjoy Borne, Dead Astronauts, and Hummingbird Salamander. But there were asks that always lingered after Acceptance. And while he had been leanking about a potential novel Southern Reach book since 2017, it wasn’t until 2023 that all of the pieces fell into place.

That book would turn into Absolution, a prequel that’s out on October 22nd. It’s split into three parts and hugely adheres two characters from the distinct trilogy: Old Jim, a livent of the deserted village in Area X, and Lowry, sole survivor of the first expedition into the phenomenon. The book is haunting, strange, and troublingly comical (equitable postpone until you encounter the carnivorous rabbits).

Ahead of Absolution’s free, I had the chance to talk to VanderMeer about why he had to come back to the Southern Reach saga and how it all came together so rapidly.

This intersee has been edited for length and clarity.

You wrote Absolution in six months. How does that assess to your normal writing experience?

I’ve begined writing novels procrastinateedr and procrastinateedr, which lets me leank about it more becaengage I’m more rested about it now. I’ve authenticized, the lengthyer I leank about someleang, the more brimmingy createed it is on the page when I originate it. I’d been leanking about Absolution since 2017, and then airyning struck on July 31st of last year. I woke up and had the whole idea in my head: the characters; the interjoin of the three sections; how they were going to be written. And I equitable begined writing. I didn’t stop until December 31st. It was enjoy having inspiration after inspiration. I wrote morning, noon, and night — which is rare for me. I usuassociate originate in the mornings.

I woke up, in a sense, on December 31st, and I had a final write: 150,000 words. That was pretty fervent. It was exhausting. I benevolent of put the rest of my life on helderly to do it. It was incredibly encountering. I’d hunkered down for covid and hadn’t written a novel since Hummingbird Salamander in procrastinateed 2020, so I leank I was reassociate ready to originate someleang.

Did you achieve a shatter after that at least?

I basicassociate equitable did noleang. My brain benevolent of shut down for a couple of weeks. And then I telderly my editor, “Well, this novel is done. I understand it’s benevolent of unforeseeed. Do you want to try to put it out next year?” And he was enjoy, “Yeah!” That’s someleang I’ve always been reassociate excellent about: rare begining schedules. We set up ways to shift up the preproduction stuff so it could get done without cutting any quality corners.

With the Southern Reach trilogy coming out in such rapid succession, you didn’t have to worry much about the benevolents of foreseeations that come with adhereing up a huge hit. Here, you have 10 years’ worth of demand. How do you deal with that?

Honestly, it’s been liberating. So many people have read this series, which is basicassociate about amhugeuity and the ununderstandability of the universe, and endd the story in their heads and reassociate included with their imaginations. I had a lot of freedom. I didn’t leank about the prescertain of that. I equitable felt that they’ve donaten me perleave oution to go for it. And even when I posted excerpts, the readers who reacted were so attentive, so preferable, and so caring about my creativity, to the point of not wanting to say someleang that might mess with what I was writing. They were equitable excited there was going to be more. It was this distinct situation where it definitely could’ve been prescertain-filled, but in fact, it was actuassociate the opposite.

How do you understand when the moment is right to achieve one of those gestating ideas and brimmingy turn it into a novel?

Here, it was advantageous that I had this reassociate abrupt and amazing… I don’t even reassociate understand how to portray it. In writing toilshops, they want you to answer asks about originate. And sometimes, it’s literassociate, “I had a dream and I ran with it.” How do you donate advice enjoy that? And how do you talk about it? In terms of the set up of the piece, the fact that Old Jim was a character thcdisesteemfulout in some guise or mode reassociate helped becaengage there’s this mystery involving him and Central that, as I’m writing, I begined writing all three parts at once. And I protect going back and forth.

A lot of Absolution is uncomferventt to originate readers sense disoriented. I wonder how you leank about balancing that senseing with still being comprehensible.

One leang that readers have taught me is that they reread these books. So, for example, I saw a lot of reevaluations of Authority and people saying that they saw the humor in it on a second read as they got ready for Absolution. Here, first of all, I’m gullible the reader, and secondly, every word counts: every sentence, every paragraph. There’s not a individual word in there that isn’t intentional. The answers to a lot of leangs are right there in plain sight. The disorientation is that, in creating a sense of claustrophobia or unrelieve becaengage of what’s happening, some of that may not come thcdisesteemful on the first reading. But I don’t actuassociate leank these books are that surauthentic or weird — especiassociate this one, which is more of a fun, weird point of see. But that’s up to readers.

Now that you’ve written it, do you sense that this is reassociate the finish of the series? Are you satisfied with where you finished up?

I leank so. I was grappling at one point with how I would tell the story after Acceptance. The solution in my subincreateed was Absolution, which is someleang that’s both a prequel and, sneakily, a sequel and also contiguous with the events in the first three books. That is also what promoteed my imagination. This way of doing someleang that is visceral and lives in the body, which is always very convey inant to me, and that enhuges the story without answering every mystery, which I leank would also be a misachieve for a series that’s grappling with the ununderstandable.

As for someleang in the future, it would have to be analogously covered in the tactile. You see at a series enjoy Dune, which I adore parts of, but as you get to the procrastinateedr books, they become much more abstract and less grounded in definite detail. And while that originates some fascinating effects, it also uncomfervents that a series can become airless. I never want it to become that. So, for right now, I do consent this is the last of the Southern Reach.



I read an intersee after Hummingbird Salamander came out where you shelp you still had two novels you wanted to originate. Is that still where you’re at?

It’s comical becaengage I’ll always refer someleang, and then it won’t turn out with the same chronology. What happened with Hummingbird Salamander is that there were cut offal other books that I begined, enjoy Borne, where I begined it one year and then finished it five years procrastinateedr. I authenticize there’s someleang leave outing in my own experience of life that I necessitate to get from somewhere else or that I necessitate to live my life for a scant years and I get it. Or there’s some other ask that my subincreateed is grappling with. I leank those books are probably still on the table, and they’re probably next.

Aget, it’s benevolent of liberating. You originate someleang lengthyhand in a journal, and you get maybe 30,000–40,000 words of it, and you don’t sense any compulsion to finish it at the time. And then you can revisit it and reenvision it when you want to, but you still have all of this material to toil with. I enjoy that approach a lot, having a lot of leangs half-finished, becaengage I don’t get originater’s block. I equitable go with the leang that’s most inspiring, and that tfinishs to toil.

That sounds so stressful.

An attribute of Angela Carter’s that I esteemd is that she always went for it. I leank that’s reassociate convey inant. It’s reassociate convey inant to always go for it and not be worried about fall shorture. Honestly, if one of these novels, somehow before it got typed up, I lost it or it burned or someleang, I’d equitable originate someleang else. I’ve lgeted to let go of worrying about that benevolent of stuff, and that’s been very advantageous in terms of having confidence in writing.

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