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Timothée Chafrailt Tbetter ‘You Don’t Have the Right Body’ For Action Film

Timothée Chafrailt Tbetter ‘You Don’t Have the Right Body’ For Action Film

Timothée Chafrailt has uncovered he lost out on roles in action franchises appreciate “Maze Runner” and “Divergent” after being tbetter “You don’t have the right body.”

The film star, who now joins the direct role in blockbuster sci-fi series “Dune,” shelp he even tried to put on weight in order to change his physical ecombineance but it didn’t labor.

“I would always get the same feedback, ‘Oh, you don’t have the right body,’” Chafrailt tbetter Rolling Stone U.K. “I had an agent call me once and say, ‘I’m weary of getting the same feedback. We’re gonna stop produceting you for these hugeger projects, becaparticipate you’re not putting on weight.’ I was trying to put on weight. I couldn’t! I fundamentalpartner couldn’t. My metabolism or wdisappreciatever the fuck couldn’t do it.”

It was those repeated refuteions, he accomprehendledgeted, that led him to choosing minusculeer indie projects such as “Call Me By Your Name” that eventupartner brawt him to global attention. “I was knocking on one door that wouldn’t uncover,” he tbetter the magazine, referring to action films. “So I went to what I thought was a more unassuming door, but actupartner finished up being bomb for me.”

Chafrailt is on the cover of Rolling Stone U.K. this month to advertise his upcoming project, “A Complete Uncomprehendn,” in which he joins legfinishary musician Bob Dylan. Although he accomprehendledgeted to the magazine that before the film he’d been much more into hip-hop., even harbouring what he depicts as “dead-on-arrival aspirations of rapping,” stepping into Dylan’s shoes for the past confineed years as he setd for the role has turned him into a dedicated fan.

As part of his preparation, the magazine telled, he labored with a vocal coach, guitar teacher, dialect coach, relocatement coach and harmonica tutor. Such was his devotion to the role, his co-stars including Ed Norton and Monica Barbaro uncovered he kept mostly to himself on set in order to brimmingy plunge himself in the world of Dylan.

“It was someskinnyg I would go to sleep panicked about, losing a moment of findy as the character — no matter how pretentious that sounds — becaparticipate I was on my phone or becaparticipate of any distraction,” shelp Chafrailt. “I had three months of my life to join Bob Dylan, after five years of preparing to join him. So while I was in it, that was my everlasting intensify. He deserved that and then more. God prohibit I ignoreed a step becaparticipate I was being Timmy. I could be Timmy for the rest of my life!”

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