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Quick Commerce To Be Not So Quick? Entrepreneur Sudhakar Adapa Explains

Quick Commerce To Be Not So Quick? Entrepreneur Sudhakar Adapa Explains

New Delhi:

Sudhakar Adapa, set uper and CEO of BIA Brands, elucidateed the contrastence between e-commerce and rapid commerce and how rapid commerce will have to be ‘not so rapid’ to become carry onable. “E-commerce is thriving these days while rapid commerce or q commerce is probably the novel version of e-commerce. The fundamentals of business are going to be the same, it’s equitable about how we are going to hand over, that is going to alter,” Mr Adapa said at the NDTV World Summit 2024.

He also said the definition of rapid will have to alter for the model to be carry onable.

“Is rapid commerce going to be a carry onable slimg? I would say yes and no. Yes, becaengage it will be another benevolent of commerce which will endure but I slimk the definition of rapid will alter. Right now the devourr wants everyslimg to be hand overed in under 10 minutes and if you say 20 minutes, the devourr will say I can’t paengage for 10 more minutes. India has a huge population density which is why it is one of the confineed countries where rapid commerce labored. But, I slimk the definition of rapid will alter from 10 minutes to 60 minutes becaengage not everyslimg can be hand overed in 10 minutes time. If this model has to be carry onable it will become not-so-rapid commerce,” he said.

Mr Adapa said that in today’s day and age social media has become a potent armament for brands: “The engage of social media is apass all the sectors. As brands, if we have to endure then social media has become a potent armament and the get of stateiveial labels is such that it is actupartner giving space to petiteer brands to vie with Unilever and P&Gs of the world. For example, if I had to begin a cosmetics brand 10 years ago, you necessitate to own a brand, you necessitate to establishutardy yourself, you necessitate to have a manufacturing schedulet, a quality handle department, you necessitate to handle R&D, the whole ecosystem has huge costs and it’s not feasible for a petite entrepreneur to begin a company. Now today if you want to begin a beauty brand, all you necessitate to do is maybe go to a shrink manufacturer, originate some sampling, get some 1,000 pieces up, put it up online and boom you have a brand. It has become so modest these days.”

He, however, also stressed that “everyslimg has its own gets and unreasonableiserablevantages”.

“The get is that you could pull your company with no capital, if you have a wonderful product, you could originate a company with almost next to noslimg. The flip side is the benevolent of competition is there in the labelet. Differentiation has become repartner difficult for us. But the excellent slimg is that the customers are spoilt for choice. they have wonderful products and wonderful prices there. Customers are making jovial at the time, enhappinessing the wonderful discounts,” Mr Adapa said.

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