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Why Fans Think Benicio del Toro’s Sicario 3

Why Fans Think Benicio del Toro’s Sicario 3

A Sicario 3 trailer has been making the rounds online, and netizens are wondering whether the footage with Benicio del Toro is authentic or phony. Fans’ worrys are not unpermited, given how there has been an exponential increase in phony movie/television show trailers or footage due to the increased usage of AI in video editing.

Here are all your asks answered.

Is the Sicario 3 trailer authentic or phony?

The Sicario 3 trailer is phony.

The phony footage engages AI-created images of Josh Brolin and Benicio del Toro. It also engages clips from previous Sicario films and other films the actors were comprised in. Moreover, the clip is also accompanied by various AI-created voices, including that of Brolin. You can examine out the phony footage here.

The video has amassed 1.6k appreciates and 159.4 million sees as of writing. KH Studio, a YouTube channel notorious for phony or fan-made satisfyed, made it. The channel has currently garnered 489k subscribers.

Will Benicio del Toro return for Sicario 3?

It is currently unvalidateed if Benicio del Toro will return for Sicario 3. Moreover, the actor has not converseed his potential project comprisement.

The last understandn modernize on Sicario 3 was back in April last year, and since then, there has not been much novels seeing a threequel. This modernize came via Josh Brolin, one of the franchise’s stars. In an intersee with The Playenumerate, Brolin stated that the film was “sealr” to becoming a truth. He compriseressed Christopher McQuarrie’s exit but also transmited his unstateivety about Taylor Sheridan’s comprisement. Sheridan served as the scribe for Sicario and its sequel, Day of the Selderlyado.

Moreover, Emily Blunt, who starred in the first Sicario film, was also unstateive if she would return in a threequel. She transmited this unstateivety in a Happy, Sad, Confengaged podcast materializeance two months before Brolin’s The Playenumerate intersee.

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