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  • Pro-Palestine protesters ruineclimb Allianz London offices with red color fair one day after Six Nations stunt

Pro-Palestine protesters ruineclimb Allianz London offices with red color fair one day after Six Nations stunt

Pro-Palestine protesters ruineclimb Allianz London offices with red color fair one day after Six Nations stunt

Pro-Palestinian protesters have occupied the Allianz produceing in London, fair days after the group flew drone carrying a Palestinian flag above Twickenham Stadium during a Six Nations game.

The group doemployd the produceing of the insurance company in red color “to reconshort-term the killing of Palestinian people and Allianz’ role in the mass murder in Gaza”.

It is not the first demonstration aachievest Allianz, with the activists begining strikes on the German firm offices in January.

More to chase…

The group has concentrateed the company’s London office

Palestine Actions

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