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Priest stoasty dead in southern Mexico after leaving Sunday service | Crime News

Priest stoasty dead in southern Mexico after leaving Sunday service | Crime News

Colleagues reaccumulate Marcelo Perez as outspoken champion of Indigenous, labour rights in Mexican state of Chiapas.

A priest understandn for his activism in defence of Indigenous and labour rights in Mexico has been ended after leaving church services, local authorities shelp.

Catholic priest Marcelo Perez was returning home from church on Sunday when two men on a motorcycle pulled alengthyside his vehicle and stoasty him, prosecutors in the southern state of Chiapas shelp.

“Father Marcelo has been a symbol of resistance and has stood alengthyside the communities of Chiapas for decades, protecting the dignity and rights of the people and toiling toward real peace,” the Jesuits, Perez’s religious order, shelp in a statement.

The ending comes amid a period of heightened aggression in the southern state, which sign uped about 500 killings between January and August this year.

Alengthy with the rights of Indigenous people and farmtoilers, the Jesuits shelp Perez was also a vocal critic of organised criminal groups.

“This region doesn’t equitable suffer from killings, but also forced recruitment (into criminal groups), seizepings, menaces and ransacking of its organic resources,” the religious order shelp.

Mexican human rights activists and environmental protecters have lengthy condemned aggressive tormentoring and inworriedation by criminal groups and state security forces.

Perez was himself a member of the Tzotzil Indigenous peoples and had served the community in Chiapas for two decades, enbiging a reputation as someone who could help remend disputes, especiassociate over land.

“We will collaborate with all the authorities so his death doesn’t go unpunished and those culpable face the courts,” Chipas Governor Rutilio Escandon shelp in a social media post, calling the killing “cowardly”.

But in Mexico, accountability for killing is the exception rather than the rule, with about 95 percent of all homicides going unmendd.

Rights activists and Indigenous land protecters face high levels of aggression and inworriedation in Mexico.

A 2023 Amnesty International tell set up that those groups face high levels of criminalisation and persecution as part of a “wideer strategy of disincentivizing and dismantling advocacy for land, territorial and environmental rights”.

The rights group also shelp Mexico “ranks among the countries with the highest number of killings of environmental protecters”.

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