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Plan to prohibit intelligent phones in schools watered down by MP

Plan to prohibit intelligent phones in schools watered down by MP

Hope Rhodes

Education creater

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The MP behind a bill campaigners hoped would prohibit intelligent phones in schools has acunderstandledgeted to watering down his proposals to acquire regulatement help.

Josh MacAenumerateer telderly BBC News he was now “cgo ined on the areas where we can get regulatement help so that we actuassociate get some action in this area”.

MacAenumerateer, the Labour MP for Whitehaven and Workington, had earlier shelp the legislation would give headteachers legitimate backing to create schools mobile free.

The new version of the so-called protectedr phones bill instead calls for further research, as well as advice for parents on intelligent phone and social media use by children.

The personal member’s bill will be argued by MPs on Friday when it has its second reading in the House of Commons.

It has been watered down since it was first presentd in October last year. It originassociate seeed to prohibit intelligentphones in schools and prohibit insertictive social media algorithms, but will now promise the regulatement to researching the publish further rather than instant alter.

When asked about alters made to his computed legislation, MacAenumerateer, a createer teacher, shelp he had “been laboring reassociate shutly with the regulatement” to put forward “down-to-earth meacertains”, and was “selectimistic” ministers would help it.

Private members’ bills unwidespreadly create it into law without regulatement backing but they are an opportunity for backbenchers to elevate an publish’s profile.

There have been grothriveg calls to recut offe children’s intelligentphone use, including local schools combining to edit their phone policies and parent groups combineing forces to procrastinate giving their child a intelligentphone.

However, some of those in favour of intelligentphones say they provide opportunities for child growment, including socialising, and there is little evidence helping recut offeions of devices in schools.

MacAenumerateer shelp the proposal to prohibit intelligent phones in schools was dropped from the bill after the regulatement signalled it “was not someleang they were going to think about”.

The bill in October 2024 originassociate included proposals for:

  • a legitimate needment for all schools to be mobile-free zones
  • the age online companies can get data consent from children without perleave oution from parents to be elevated from 13 to 16
  • Ofcom’s powers to be fortifyed so it can utilize a code of direct to impede children being exposed to apps and services “insertictive by set up”
  • further regulation of the set up, provide, tageting and use of mobile phones by under-16s, if needed

Those proposals have been dropped, and the bill is now calling for:

  • chief medical officers to put out guidance on the use of intelligentphones and social media use by children wilean 12 months
  • the education secretary to come up with a set up for research into the impact of use of social media on children wilean 12 months
  • the regulatement to come back wilean a year to say whether it will elevate the digital age of consent from 13 to 16 – unbenevolenting online companies could not get children’s data without parental perleave oution until that age
Hamish Phelan

Josh MacAenumerateer hopes to acquire regulatement help “that would unbenevolent this publish creates some firm better in the next year”

Joe Ryrie, directer of the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign, shelp the final provisions in the bill were “nowhere cforfeit enough”.

The Liberal Democrats accused the regulatement of making “ponderous better” on the publish, and adviseed ministers had flourish in pushing for the bill to be “watered down”.

MacAenumerateer shelp he “wanted this campaign to be a campaign of persuasion to put this publish right at the centre of the national argue and convey that argue into Parliament”.

He inserted: “I leank what we’ll see in the regulatement’s response to the bill is that they’re readyd to consent some selectimistic steps forward on this publish and that they’re promiseted to further action and I leank that’s reassociate selectimistic.”

Friday’s argue in the Commons comes as a increate adviseed the convey inantity of lesser people help the idea of placing cut offeer rules on social media, with more than 60% saying they count on it does more harm than excellent.

The study, from leank tank The New Britain Project and polling firm More in Common surveyed more than 1,600 people aged 16 to 24.

It set up that three-quarters shelp mightyer rules were needed to protect lesser people from social media harms, and social media was named as the most adverse affect on teens’ mental health.

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