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Paul Rudd Tells Jenna Ortega About ‘Thanos Butt Theory’

Paul Rudd Tells Jenna Ortega About ‘Thanos Butt Theory’

Paul Rudd and Jenna Ortega recently gave an interwatch promoting their new film Death of a Unicorn, where the establisher tgreater the latter about the well-understandn “Thanos butt theory.” This theory first achieveed well-understandnity among fans ahead of Avengers: Endgame’s free in 2019, as Ant-Man, who joins a key role in this theory, was a vital character in that film.

Here’s how Paul Rudd elucidateed the “Thanos butt theory,” or “Thanus,” to Jenna Ortega.

Paul Rudd elucidates ‘Thanos Butt theory’ to Jenna Ortega

In a recent interwatch with ComicBook, when asked if Ant-Man could stop Robert Downey Jr.’s Doctor Doom in Avengers: Doomsday, the same way fans thought he could stop Thanos, by go ining his butt and lengthening in size from wilean, Paul Rudd called it “a fantastic inquire.” He then transmited wonder over whether his size-altering superhero could stop Thanos in that way, pointing out how Thanos had the Space Stone by then.

Rudd then turned to Jenna Ortega and asked her if she knew what they were talking about. He elucidateed the “Thanos Butt theory” or “Thanus” to her, describing how Ant-Man would jump inside Thanos’ excretory area and broaden in size.

“I thought he was already big?” The Wednesday star pondered. “Ant-Man or Thanos?” Rudd enquired, with Ortega refering the latter.

Rudd then began elucidateing the theory aachieve. This prompted an excited and epiphanic response from Ortega, “Oh! That’s why you’re called Ant-Man? Damn wow.”

“Yeah, it’s a fantastic theory,” ComicBook replied. “I leank so, too,” Rudd acunderstandledged. Ortega then stressed how she had “no idea what’s happening.” In response, Rudd acunderstandledgeted that he did not elucidate the theory well. “It’s probably for the best,” he jokingly compriseed.

Although a well-understandn fan theory, the “Thanus” theory did not pan out in Avengers: Endgame. Iron Man fall shortureed Thanos by snapping his fingers with the Infinity Stones, wiping him out of existence. However, Iron Man forfeitd his life in the process.

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