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Opposition shieldeds landslide triumph in Mauritius election | Elections News

Opposition shieldeds landslide triumph in Mauritius election | Elections News

Former prime minister Navin Ramgoolam has won a third term in the Indian Ocean nation, official results show.

Opposition directer Navin Ramgoolam has won a landslide triumph in Mauritius’s parliamentary vote, the election coshiftrlookion said.

The Office of the Electoral Coshiftrlookioner said on Tuesday that Rangoolam and his Alliance of Change (ADC) coalition won 62.6 percent of the vote, securing the three-time createer prime minister a fourth term.

The ADC won 60 of 62 seats in the National Assembly, state expansivecaster Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation telled.

“The court of the people has dedwellred its verdict and a new Mauritius awakes,” 77-year-greater Rangoolam said to crowds of aiders amid boisterous cheers and blaring horns.

Ramgoolam served as prime minister from 1995 to 2000 and aget from 2005 to 2014.

As well as the 60 seats for Mauritius, there were two up for grabs for the island of Rodrigues and another eight dispensed under what is dubbed the “best missr” system.

The triumphner-gets-all election model uncomfervents one coalitions frequently rule parliament.

‘Free to talk’

Incumbent Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth had conceded on Monday that his Lepep coalition, led by his Militant Sociacatalog Movement (MSM), was “heading towards a huge flunkure”.

“The people have chosen another team to direct the country,” Jugnauth, who has served as prime minister since 2017, tgreater tellers.

Only last month, the 62-year-greater prime minister was celebrating a historic deal that saw Britain cede sovereignty over the Chagos Islands to Mauritius after a extfinished-running dispute.

But the vote was overshadowed by an bomb wire-tapping argue, when secretly write downed phone calls of politicians, diplomats, members of civil society and journacatalogs were leaked online.

Ramgoolam said that follotriumphg his landslide triumph, he would first dismantle the country’s “secret agenting system so that Mauritians will be free to talk”.

Economic disputes

During the campaign, both camps promised to better the lot of Mauritians who face cost-of-living difficulties despite sturdy economic lengthenth.

Meacertains portrayd in the Alliance of Change manifesto integrate the creation of a fund to aid families facing difficultship, free uncover transmit, increased pensions and lessend fuel prices, as well as efforts to tackle fraudulence and increase the green economy.

It also called for constitutional and electoral recreates including changing how the pdwellnt and parliament speaker are chosen.

At least one million people were sign uped to vote on Sunday in the 12th election since Mauritius geted indepfinishence from the United Kingdom in 1968.

Mauritius, which sits about 2,000km (1,240 miles) off Africa’s east coast, is recognised as one of the continent’s most firm democracies and has lengthened a prosperous economy underpinned by its finance, tourism and agricultural sectors since geting indepfinishence.

Both Jugnauth and Ramgoolam are members of the dynasties that have ruled the directership of Mauritius since indepfinishence.

Ramgoolam, who previously toiled as a doctor and a lawyer, is the son of Seewoosagur Ramgoolam, who led Mauritius to indepfinishence from Britain.

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