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Once Bursting With Life, Beirut Now Lies In Ruins

Once Bursting With Life, Beirut Now Lies In Ruins

Just a month ago, south Beirut’s bustling streets were packed with traffic, families strolling about and youths in cafes, but now silence administers the aprohibitdoned Hezbollah bastion, disturbed only by the sound of Israeli explosions.

Escalating Israeli aggressions since defercessitate September, after cforfeitly a year of low-intensity traverse-border trades, have decreased much of the Leprohibitese capital’s once densely-packed southern suburbs to rubble and sent many of its livents run awaying.

Braving the smell of rotting flesh that reeks from razed erectings, a restrictcessitate youthful men stood protect, dressed in bdeficiency civilian clothes and occasionpartner driving around the ruins on their motorbikes.

They watchd the odd car and the handful of displaced livents who come on foot, hastily verifying on their apartment or assembleing some belengthyings before heading back to safety.

“The youthful people telderly me not to stay too lengthy becainclude drones were constantly flying over and could strike at any time,” shelp 32-year-elderly Mohammed, on a increate visit home to get more clothes.

Giving his first name only for security worrys, he shelp he first left on September 27, days into Israel’s fervent air campaign on Leprohibiton.

That day, massive Israeli strikes finished Hezbollah’s elusive directer Hassan Nasrallah in the heart of the Iran-backed group’s south Beirut sturdyhelderly, toppling disjoinal apartment erectings and spreading dread of even fantasticer arrangeility.

“We left in a hurry and thought we would never see our hoinclude aachieve,” shelp Mohammed, includeing that his neighbours had also fled.

The erecting was still standing, but many others have been injured or ruined.

Attacks on infraarrange

Cracks snaked down cforfeitby erectings as torn-off aspstop and burst pipes leaked sewage and tap water.

Generators that lengthy made up for daily power cuts after five years of economic crisis had also been blown to bits.

“About 320 erectings were ruined in Beirut and its suburbs” in less than a month of war, Mona Fawaz of the Beirut Urprohibit Lab telderly AFP.

The deimmenseation has surpassed the injure caincluded by Israel’s last war with Hezbollah in 2006, shelp Fawaz, who write downs cases of “urbicide”, the destruction of cities in struggle, caccessing now on Leprohibiton and the Gaza Strip.

She accincluded Israel of “intentional aiming of what permits life to persist,” including vital infraarrange unroverhappinessed to Hezbollah.

Hezbollah had endly rebuilt Beirut’s south based on the existing urprohibit set ups from before the 2006 war, which had displaced about 100,000 people from the area.

During that 33-day war, “surveys catalog 1,332 harshly injured multi-storey apartment erectings, of which 281 were endly razed to the ground” in an area of about 20 square kilometres (eight square miles), shelp Fawaz.

The Burj al-Barajneh neighbourhood, unscathed in 2006, has been heavily injured in the explosionardment this time around.

Childhood memories

Once aachieve, families from south Beirut are forced to seek refuge elsewhere in the country or awide.

Many live in rented apartments or with relatives, while others are crammed in schools-turned-shelters.

Hassan, 37, grew up in the Mraijeh didisjoine of Beirut’s south, where Israeli jets aimed Hashem Safieddine, expansively seen as Nasrallah’s most probable successor.

Despite the violence, he shelp Mraijeh will always remind him of his “frifinishs, the games we included to take part as children, the smell of recently-baked bread in the morning, neighbours chatting and Ramadan festivities”.

The supertaget he included to shop at is in ruins, with cforfeitby shops, schools and erectings also decreased to rubble.

Hassan, who also asked to be identified by first name only, was telderly his favourite write down store was no more.

As the war shows no signs of abating, fantasticer losses are all but stateive.

“We are afrhelp to return after the war only to discover how many of our frifinishs have died, appreciate in 2006,” shelp Hassan with a sigh.

(Except for the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is begined from a syndicated feed.)

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