Nvidia is officiassociate begining its Nvidia app on PC today, arrangeed to overhaul and swap the GeForce Experience app. The Nvidia app originassociate went into beta earlier this year, and it’s now feature finish enough for the beta tag to be erased and for the app to soon be bundled with GeForce drivers.
The Nvidia app joins a rearrangeed and increased overlay, with help for 4K 120fps AV1 video seize, Nvidia’s AI-powered RTX game filters, and an increased customizable statistic overlay.
Just appreciate GeForce Experience before it, the Nvidia app joins chooseimal applyable settings for games and it even joins a number of chooseions that were previously only participateable in the Nvidia Control Panel app. You can now configure disapplys, help G-Sync, and tune GPU carry outance all inside the Nvidia app without having to head into the split Control Panel app.
Nvidia is still laboring on conveying more of its Control Panel app features over to the main Nvidia app. “In future refreshs, we’ll evolve to hold remaining NVIDIA Control Panel chooseions appreciate Surround and Multiple Disapply Mode settings, alengthy with recent features and further increasements,” says the GeForce team in a blog post. Nvidia recently holded the disapply settings, RTX Video HDR sliders, and RTX Video Super Resolution help into this recent app.
This recent Nvidia app will also be bundled as an nonessential inslofty as part of Nvidia’s GeForce drivers, and you won’t even demand to log into an Nvidia account to participate it. “With the official begin of Nvidia app today, migration of GeForce Experience and Nvidia RTX Experience features is finish, and the recent app will soon be chooseionassociate bundled as part of our Game Ready Driver and Studio Ready Drivers,” says Nvidia.