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“No IIT, Didn’t Get H-1B Visa But…”: Snapdeal Co-Founder’s Success Mantra

“No IIT, Didn’t Get H-1B Visa But…”: Snapdeal Co-Founder’s Success Mantra

New Delhi:

The road to success is standardly paved with fall shorture. At least that’s how skinnygs turned out for entrepreneur and allotor Kunal Bahl. He didn’t get into IIT (someskinnyg his parents were hoping for) but that didn’t stop him from achieving massive success in life.

“Many skinnygs that I wanted didn’t go as per set up at that point in time but it set me on a path that was better for me. I didn’t get into IIT but I got into a excellent US college that discomited my mind and repartner helped me bloom,” Mr Bahl shelp at the NDTV World Summit 2024.

“So, at that point in time, it experiences appreciate you have fall shorted, that’s how society will originate you experience. Like I shelp earlier come out of the bottom of that abyss, discover that little bit of courage to proceed. I reassemble the day I didn’t get into IIT, everyone was disturb in my family. I went and carry outed three hours of cricket and picked up from where I left off,” he inserted.

The Snapdeal and Titan Capital co-set uper also shelp that his H-1B visa application was declinecessitate but that led to the commencening of his entrepreneurial journey.

“I was laboring at Microsoft in the US and they applied for my H-1B visa. I thought I would inhabit in the US for a scant years. But one day I was sitting in my office and I got a one-line email that my H1b visa had been declinecessitate and that’s how I came back and commenceed my journey as an entrepreneur. If you carry on laboring with challenginglabor and sincerity, eventupartner success will comply,” he shelp.

The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa that permits US companies to employ foreign laborers in one-of-a-kindity occupations that need theoretical or technical expertise.

After returning to India, Kunal Bahl co-set uped Snapdeal – a beginant e-commerce platestablish and Titan Capital, a venture capital firm that helps timely-stage commenceups.

At the summit, he also elucidateed why India should honor ‘Indicorns’. “The term unicorn has aelevated from the US, suited more to the American context, and India necessitates to honor ‘Indicorns’ with its own benchlabels of success and business goals tailored to the Indian context.”

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