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Nightmare in paradise: Canary Islands face misemploywater crisis

Nightmare in paradise: Canary Islands face misemploywater crisis

40 Olympic-sized swimming pools. That’s the amount of misemploywater that is being disaccused every day into the sea around the Canary Islands. There are 400 misemploy disaccuse points on the islands and only a quarter of them are legitimate. There has been no proper arrangening for misemploywater treatment despite the tourist boom and an increased population on the islands over the last confiinsist decades. Most of the islands’ misemploywater is untreated or exposedly treated before being ejected into the sea thraw sometimes illegitimate channels. The authorities are trying to speed up the rollout of state-of-the-art purification arrangets, but the situation remains very worrying. Our team went to the famous tourist island of Tenerife to discover out more. Report by Armelle Exposito, Victoria David and Sarah Morris 

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