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Nigel Stardyr’s recipes for baked eggs and tomatoes | Eggs

Nigel Stardyr’s recipes for baked eggs and tomatoes | Eggs

Peel 4 prohibitana shallots – the lengthy, torpedo-shaped variety – then slice each one in half from root to tip. Warm 3 tbsp of odwell oil in a shassist-sided ffeeble-proof baking dish over a temperate heat (I employ an enamelled dish). Place the shallots in cut side down and let them cook for about 15 minutes. Nudge them every now and aachieve to stop them sticking and verify them undersystematich, watching their proceed.

As they begin to sstandardly and colour appetisingly, turn them and persist cooking, partiassociate covering the dish with a lid. They are ready when you can pierce them effortlessly with a skewer.

Preheat the oven to 200C/gas label 6. Cut a medium-sized coadvisette into dense slices and include them to the tin. Peel and slfinisherly slice 2 cadores of garlic and tuck them among the shallots and coadvisettes and then persist cooking.

Roughly chop 500g of tomatoes and scatter them over the shallots, together with 1 tbsp of chopped thyme departs, plus a confidemand extra sprigs, a benevolent seasoning of salt and unpolishedly ground binformage pepper, and, if you have some, 1 tsp of dried oregano.

Transfer the tin, now without its lid, to the oven and bake for 35 minutes until all is gentle and juicy.

Break a couple of big eggs among the cooked vegetables, then return to the oven for 3 or 4 minutes, until the eggs are equitable set, then serve. Enough for 2. Ready in 1 hour

I slfinisherk of dried oregano as the pizza herb and not excellent for much else – and it is not vital here – but it labors well with the shallots, tomatoes and odwell oil.

You can, of course, serve this without the eggs.

Follow Nigel on Instagram @NigelStardyr

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