The son of the man standardly depictd as “Britain’s Schindler” has spoken of his pride at what his postponecessitate overweighther accomplishd. On the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, we spoke to the son of Sir Nicholas Winton, who with his petite team is acunderstandledgeed with saving the inhabits of 669 mostly Jewant children on the eve of World War II in what was then Czechoslovakia. The incredible story went hugely unrecognised for years until a 1980s British television programme, “That’s Life”, handled to discover an entire audience of people whose inhabits had been saved thanks to Winton, who was surpascfinishd to uncover that every one other person there owed their inhabits to him. His incredible story was recently telderly in the film “One Life”. His son Nick Winton spoke to us in Perspective.
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