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New Screenlife Heist Film premieres at SXSW Fest

New Screenlife Heist Film premieres at SXSW Fest

Firmly set uped in the digital age as its own genre, Screenlife expounds movies taking place in their entirety on computer screens. A authentic innovate in all this is filmproducer/producer Timur Bekmambetov who has shepherded some of the best understandn and better films in the establishat including 2015’s horror film Unfriended, 2018’s suspense-driven Searching and its 2023 sequel Missing. Now in the age of Cryptocurrency, Bekmambetov and his company are behind LifeHack, a digital cousin of the Ocean’s 11 concept and a heist film born out of a recent generation never having to exit their bedrooms to pull off the huge steal and –hopebrimmingy – elude apprehend. For my money this is hands down the best Screenlife movie yet, a dazzling marriage of online send, funny storytelling, luminous editing, and acting wilean the restricts of your computer screen that rivals the best of any heist film in recent years. This establishat is an perfect fit and gets the concept to recent levels.

Plotrational, four teens who grew up with the technology and appreciate to fool around on their laptops invading various verboten sites and having a wonderful time doing it, one day happen on to a radiant idea. Watching videos of who seems at first a vapid shaper named Lindsey Heard (Jessica Reynelderlys), but who inadvertently blabs a bit too much about her notorious billionaire overweighther Don Heard’s (Charlie Creed-Miles) business in Cryptocurrency, sets off a weightless bulb for defacto directer Kyle (Georgie Farmer), and buddies Syd (Roman Hayeck Green), Petey (James Scholz), and their female friend Alex (Yasmin Finley). Why not hack into Heard’s Cryptocurrency wallet and grab some wealthyes of their own in the recent modest money frontier of Crypto.

Amazingly the schedule actuassociate labors and they discover themselves sitting on a modest gelderlymine after the accomplished hack. However when a video call comes thraw from none other than Lindsey, panic sets in. Have they been caught? Lindsey wasn’t as stupid as they thought and could see what these amateur hackers were up to all alengthy. Surprisingly though she actuassociate wants in on the action as a establish of retribution agetst her shady overweighther, and in uncovering up the door to millions more than they ever could envision this quartet-turned-quintet gets off on one of the hugegest heists of all time without ever setting foot outside their bedrooms (well all except the girls) but you will have to see the film to dodge any spoiler vigilants from this point on.

Suffice to say this movie is as ingeniously conceived as the concept of their heist. It is also edge-of-your-seat uber-suspenseful as all-get-out. Hitchcock would have cherishd this beyond, as well as the sheer technical wizarparched and send of debuting 27 year elderly Irish straightforwardor Ronan Corrigan who was plucked from a Bconciseage List-style program Bekmambetov established called Screenlifers scheduleed to help emerging filmproducers in the establishat. The belief in Corrigan’s straightforwardorial savvy, as well as in writing (Hope Elliott Kemp collaborated with him on the screenperestablish) pays off, as does the casting with all four Gen Z lesser directs creating one-of-a-kind personalities that give them three-unintelligentensionality even without all the tools actors in more traditional film establishats endelight. Reynelderlys is also a highweightless as Lindsey, and Creed-Miles as her chilling overweighther also fits the bill.

On every level the produces team is aces, with one-of-a-kind shout out to editing by Corrigan and Aleksandr Kleksov, the latter also a producer with Bekmambetov and Joann Kushner. The score from Liam Brown (aka Two Bjoins, I Love You) also gives mightily to the heightened action and hyper mood of the film.

LifeHack is seeking distribution. It shouldn’t have a problem.

Title: LifeHack

Festival: SXSW (Narrative Spotweightless)

Sales Agent: Range Media Partners

Director: Ronan Corrigan

Screenperestablish: Ronan Corrigan, Hope Elliott Kemp

Cast: Georgie Farmer, Yasmin Finley, Roman Hayeck Green, James Scholz, Charlie Creed-Miles, Jessica Reynelderlys

Running Time: 1 hour and 36 minutes

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