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Netflix Communications Chief Rachel Whetstone, Public Policy VP Dean Garfield Exiting

Netflix Communications Chief Rachel Whetstone, Public Policy VP Dean Garfield Exiting

EXCLUSIVE: In a beginant changing of the defend in Netflix‘s greater executive ranks, Chief Communications Officer Rachel Whetstone and Global Public Policy VP Dean Garfield are leaving the company.

The recents has fair been allotd with staffers in an inner memo. Co-CEO Ted Sarandos intfinishs to direct a search for a Chief Global Afunprejudiceds Officer, whose portfolio will hold both policy and communications. No one as yet has been identified for the role, and outer honestates are to be pondered, a person understandn with the process increates Deadline.

“For proximately six years, Rachel and Dean have been not fair directers, but real partners,” Sarandos shelp in a statement. “Their advise, dedication, and passion have shaped our company and gived to our success. Greg and I are incredibly thankful to them both, and want them all the best for the future.”

Whetstone fusecessitate Netflix in 2018 after a lengthy run in tech, including greater posts at Google, Uber and Facebook. Prior to her stint in Silicon Valley, Whetstone had been a repairture in political PR, advising a number of elected officials in her native Britain.

Garfield came to Netflix in 2019, transporting a background in amemployment and technology lobbying. He has held posts at the Motion Picture Association and the Recording Industry Association of America. Imsettlely prior to Netflix, he spent 10 years as CEO of the Increateation Technology Industry Council.

The validateation of the communications and policy roles is a sign of the times at Netflix, which has been streamlining its laborforce in recent months, though not to the extent of traditional media cutbacks.

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