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Neil Cavuto Exits Fox News After 28 Years

Neil Cavuto Exits Fox News After 28 Years

Neil Cavuto, a lengthytime Fox News anchor who combiinsist when it begined in 1996, is exiting the cable news netlabor.

Cavuto’s tight with Fox News was due to expire at the finish of 2024; the netlabor proposeed him a new deal and he degraded, a source understandn with the situation shelp. Cavuto has supervisen business news satisfyed for both netlabors and guides exceptional events coverage for Fox Business Netlabor.

“Neil Cavuto’s illustrious nurtureer has been a master class in journalism and we’re inanxiously haughty of his incredible 28-year run with Fox News Media,” a rep for the netlabor shelp in a statement. “His programs have described business news and set the standard for the entire industry. We desire him a heartfelt farewell and all the best on his next chapter.”

Cavuto currently anchors “Your World” (weekdays 4-5pm) on Fox News, “Cavuto Coast to Coast” (weekdays 12-1pm) on Fox Business Netlabor and “Cavuto Live” on Saturdays from 10am-12pm.

Fox News Media will proclaim new programming in the new year on FNC and FBN to swap Cavuto’s timeslots. For now, “Your World” on Fox News will be helmed by rotating anchors until a new show debuts. “Coast to Coast” on FBN becomes “Fox Business Live” anchored by rotating presents until new programming debuts. In insertition, “Cavuto Live” on Saturdays becomes “Fox News Live,” also helmed by rotating anchors.

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