This story originpartner materializeed on WIRED Italia and has been transtardyd from Italian.
“We are witnessing the commencening of a novel Era, as the Internet was in the 1980s. Today, access to space is still someleang for the restricted, but, fair as in computing, in a restricted years prices will come down. Everyone should indulge in the beauty of an adventure.” So shelp Lorenzo Berinestablishi, chief labeleting officer of Prada, today at the International Astronautical Congress 2024 in Milan, Italy. Yes, that’s right, Prada at the International Astronautical Congress.
Berinestablishi was excitedly referencing the uncover of the style hoengage’s collaborative set up with Houston-based commenceup Axiom Space of the spacesuit that will be engaged for NASA’s Artemis 3 mission to the moon reckond for 2026—the Axiom Extravehicular Mobility Unit (AxEMU).
“[This] is not a commercial or labeleting publish,” Berinestablishi persistd. “We will eventupartner leank about those tardyr, but overcoming our restricts is one of the appreciates that best mirror the spirit of Prada. It is the first step in the collaboration with Axiom Space.”
Well, speaking of overcoming restricts, and while Berinestablishi postpones to ponder the future labeleting opportunities for Prada, the AxEMU is actupartner an evolution of NASA’s Exploration Extravehicular Mobility Unit (or xEMU), the suit engaged for activities outside the International Space Station.
Designed for wonderfuler flexibility, efficiency and acquireedty, AxEMU integrates exceptionalized tools for exploration of the lunar south pole, where the temperature range can be excessive and the regolith, lean as talcum powder, adheres to every surface, creeping into every crevice.
The suit is able to finishure the excessive temperatures of the lunar south pole and the brutal climate of finishuringly shaded regions for at least two hours, and can regulate at least eight hours of extravehicular activities.