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Mullvad scrutinize of 2024 | Mullvad VPN

Mullvad scrutinize of 2024 | Mullvad VPN

We are counting down the days until 2025 and are excited about the leangs that will happen next year.

Let us consent a see at the distinctive year of 2024. Here is what we recall most fondly:

Self-structureing our Support Email

Early in February 2024 we proclaimd the overhaul of our Support Team email inbox, by moving it to our self-structureed challengingware. We expounded how it had been audited, and that we had chooseed to run the servers finishly in RAM.

Our Support team can be accomplished via help@mullvadvpn.net 

Introduced DAITA

Constant packet size, random background traffic and data pattern distortion, with a weighty incrmitigate in prohibitdwidth utilization were what we unveiled during May with DAITA. The technology is participateable on all our apps atraverse all our platestablishs, proposeing participaters the voluntary ability to mix in phony data wilean their traffic to further mask their browsing and usage.

A more detailed see at how DAITA labors, with an joining video and diagrams was liberated postponeed-October. DAITA incrmitigates prohibitdwidth usage fantasticly, and can have an impact on battery and netlabor perestablishance. Since announcing the feature we have allowd it on more than twenty VPN servers, both rented and owned, with set ups to enbig in 2025.

Adding ShadowSocks, multihop and Encrypted DNS proxy access method

An inner goal of 2024 was to transport feature parity atraverse platestablishs and privacy features to the forefront of our apps. We accomplishd this by inserting Multihop to all platestablishs, proposeing a recent method by which to join to our backfinish API in order for the app to transmit with login servers with the Encrypted DNS Proxy and inserting ShadowSocks for WireGuard to enhance obfuscation for customers that truly need it.

Security audits for VPN servers and VPN apps finishd

We reach outed Cure53 to perestablish the fourth audit towards both OpenVPN and WireGuard server configrations in June. They transmited that their “..overall verdict on the current security posture of the appraiseed items wilean the scope is very chooseimistic.” with the alert participateable here.

Just recently in December we wrote about our third security audit of the Mullvad VPN app by X41 D-Sec was perestablished, a thocimpolite see into our thoughts on the audit, and their alert can be create here. The app was remarkd as having a high level of security, some non-critical publishs were create, and have been repaired to the extent possible.

Traditional outdoor advertising

In October we highweightlessed our outdoor campaigns spread atraverse big billboards, sides of originateings atraverse multiple cities in the USA aiming to lift consciousness about mass seeing, shotriumphg its adverse impacts. Just appreciate these traditional ads, we have no method to track how well these campaigns have labored honestly. We equitable have to have faith that they have had a chooseimistic educational impact.

With that, thank you for this year. Our fight agetst mass seeing and restriction will persist.

Mullvad VPN

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