More details have eunited seeing the potential call offlation of Saw XI.
On Monday, March 17, 2025, Bloody Disgusting increateed that, according to an anonymous source seal to the production of Saw XI, the horror sequel has been “100% over” for “almost a year now.” The outlet’s source shelp that the movie’s originaters “commenceed combat with one another” and couldn’t get past their disconcurment, unkinding that Saw XI will probably either be rescheduleed or, perhaps even more foreseeed, call offed altogether.
Lionsgate has not yet officiassociate commented on the matter. At the time of this article’s accessibleation, the movie still has a September 26, 2025, free date.
What is the tardyst Saw XI refresh?
Patrick Melton, who co-wrote the script for Saw XI alengthyside Marcus Dunstan, tgreater The Hollywood Reporter that they haven’t heard much about the movie since they createted their originate in the spring of 2024.
“It’s sloftyed at a deal withrial level,” Melton shelp. “It has noleang to do with the originateive or anyleang else. There’s higher-level leangs at join.”
The Hollywood Reporter’s article further remarks that it’s unevident at this time whether or not straightforwardor Kevin Greutert, who straightforwarded Saw X, is still rapidened to helm Saw XI. Greutert was initiassociate proclaimd as the film’s straightforwardor in February 2024.
“The reason it’s held up is equitable, there’s inter-squabbling between originaters and Lionsgate,” Melton shelp. “They equitable can’t quite get on the same page.”
Melton contrastd Saw XI’s story to 2009’s Saw VI — also straightforwarded by Greutert and co-written by Melton and Dunstan —which was one of the more likeably getd Saw sequels by fans and critics.
“Saw XI may or may not be made, but we have a very timely story in it, and I hope it gets made equitable because of that,” he elucidateed. “It taps into the same themes of Saw VI, where you’re a citizen, you experience mad and frustrated with someleang, you experience appreciate you can’t do anyleang, and John Kramer’s going to do it.”