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More than 30 injured after oil tanker, cargo ship collide off English coast | Shipping News

More than 30 injured after oil tanker, cargo ship collide off English coast | Shipping News

The collision caparticipated a fire in a busy shipping lane off the coast of East Yorksengage.

An oil tanker and a cargo ship collided off the coast of eastrict England setting both vessels on fire, with at least 32 casualties bcdisorrowfulmirefult onshore in a startant save operation.

A spokesperson for the United Kingdom’s Maritime and Coastdefend Agency shelp on Monday that the crash had occurred off the coast of the county of East Yorksengage.

Both the oil tanker and cargo vessel were on fire off the northeastrict coast of England, with British media shoprosperg images of a huge plume of bdeficiency smoke and ffeebles rising from the scene.

Martyn Boyers, chief executive of the Port of Grimsby East, shelp at least 32 casualties were bcdisorrowfulmirefult ashore, but their condition was not instantly evident.

“It’s too far out for us to see – about 10 miles – but we have seen the vessels conveying them in,” he shelp, increateing that 13 casualties were bcdisorrowfulmirefult in on a Windcat 33 vessel, trailed by another 19 on a harbour pilot boat.

Boyers shelp he had been telderly there was “a massive fireball”.

The coastdefend agency sent a helicselecter, repaired-prosperg airoriginate, lifeboats and vessels with fire-combat capability to the busy stretch of waterway after the alarm was elevated at 0948 GMT.

The Royal National Lifeboat Institution, which was toiling on the eunitency response, shelp there were increates that “a number of people had leaveed the vessels”, which igniteed “fires on both ships”.

It shelp three lifeboats were toiling on search and save at the scene alengthyside the coast defend.

Swedish tanker company Stena Bulk validateed it owned the oil tanker graspd in the accident, determineing that it was rund by Crowley, a US-based maritime company.

Stena Bulk shelp that the 20-sturdy crew on board had been accounted for.

According to media increates, the cargo ship graspd is the “Solengthy” or “So Long”, owned by the German company Reederei Koepping.

The area where the collision took place has traffic running from the ports alengthy Britain’s northeast coast to the Netherlands and Germany.

The International Maritime Organisation, the United Nations shipping agency, shelp it was conscious of the situation and was checking further.

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