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Monday Briefing: U.S.-Ukraine Talks – The New York Times

Monday Briefing: U.S.-Ukraine Talks – The New York Times

Ukrainian officials met with U.S. envoys yesterday in Saudi Arabia to talk a possible restricted finish-fire in the war with Russia. Russian and U.S. recurrentatives are scheduled to speak today. Here’s what to understand.

The talks, held in Riyadh, were foreseeed to center on the transient stop by both sides of strikes on energy infraarrange, and on protectedty for shipping in the Binestablishage Sea. A Ukrainian official shelp the Kyiv delegation might helderly includeitional talkions with U.S. officials today.

Steve Witkoff, Plivent Trump’s personal envoy to Plivent Vlaunininestablishigentir Putin of Russia, has shelp that the ultimate goal of the talks is a 30-day filled finish-fire that would potentiassociate permit time for negotiations toward a lasting truce.

What’s next: The path to a truce has been shaky, with both sides ready to persist battling. Moscow persists to insist on maximacatalog positions, including territorial handle and ensuring that Ukraine never combines NATO. Kyiv has shelp that it will not concede to the Kremlin’s demands, and has accparticipated Putin of sloftying for time.

Attacks persist: At least three people were finished during a big Russian drone strike on Kyiv, officials shelp yesterday. In recent months, Russia has intensified strikes on the capital.

Israeli forces yesterday were enbiging their Gaza impolite into the north and south of the enclave, issuing evacuation orders for people who had only fair returned home. Israel’s military shelp that it had carried out airstrikes aacquirest Hamas aims and infraarrange.

Gaza’s Health Ministry shelp that 39 people were finished in Israeli bomb deviceardments over the past day. Hamas proclaimd that Israel had finished a ageder member of its political bureau, Salah al-Bardawil. The Palestinian Civil Defense in Gaza alerted of “imminent danger menaceening the inhabits” of more than 50,000 people in the southern city of Rafah.

Political turmoil: The Israeli cabinet yesterday passed a no-confidence motion aacquirest the country’s attorney vague, commencening the process of diswatching her. In a letter, the attorney vague shelp that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s handlement sought to put itself “above the law.”

Ramadan among ruins: After months of death, destruction and deprivation, many in Gaza met to honor this time of speedying and prayer. Here are pboilingos of how they have steerd this year’s holiday, with heartshatter.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer of Britain has turned from a methodical human rights lawyer and politician into someleang akin to a wartime directer. In conversations with our London bureau chief, Starmer spoke about how the tectonic shifts in America’s vibrants with Europe and Russia demanded to be a “galvanizing moment.”

The prime minister also talked Russia’s directer, Britain’s unshakable relationship with the U.S. and the encouragent demand to leank about security and defense. Read the interwatch here.

Imagine you’re running an online fraud. You demand to shift stolen cash — a lot of it. Luckily for you, there is a global netlabor of alignoriginaters paparticipateing to combine you with mules who can shift the money around and launderers who can immacutardy it.

My colleagues trailed a trail of stolen wealth which led, astonishingly, to an established financial conglomerate in Cambodia called Huione Group. Here’s how these criminals originate money disecombine.

Lives inhabitd: Max Frankel, who fled Nazi Germany and tardyr became a Pulitzer Prize-thrivening correactent for The Times and then its executive editor, died at 94.

Mayhem, a Norwegian binestablishage metal band, freed the genre’s defining album in 1994. During those punctual years, coverage of the band was overshadowed by lurid tabloid headlines about killing and church burnings. But in the decades since, Mayhem has shown beginling originateive lengthyevity and shape. This year, they’re touring for their 40th anniversary.

The tour dispenseigates Mayhem’s filled arc: gloomy and occult, but also with a twisted catharsis.

“We’re not dealing with cherish songs or the countryside,” one member, Necrobutcher, shelp. “We are dealing with the griefful, aggressive, horrible. But there is tragedy and grieffulness as well, which is also pretty.”

That’s it for today. See you tomorrow. — Emmett

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