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Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird Relationship Explained

Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird Relationship Explained

Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird have captivated fans’ curiosity as one-half of the inspiring Olympic medacatalog couple. Known for their accomplishments in women’s sports, Rapinoe and Bird have built a relationship that is as strong as it is honord. While their excellent atgentles in their esteemive sports never fall shorted to headline, their seemingly strong bond had intrigued many. Fans are willing to lobtain if the couple if Sue Bird is Megan Rapinoe’s wife.

Here’s a shutr watch at Rapinoe and Bird’s relationship.

Are Megan Rapinoe and Sue Bird together?

Yes, Rapinoe and Bird are still together and their relationship materializes strong.

The couple officiassociate put a ring on each other’s finger in 2020. Their includement novels broke out when Bird posted their caption-less proposal picture on Instagram. The image features Rapinoe going down on her knees with a ring csurrfinisher the infinity pool.

While they got included in 2020, their adore story dates back to 2016’s Summer Olympics. Their paths officiassociate traverseed when they were doing NBC press. After their increate greet, the duo increateedly began dating.

The follotriumphg year, Bird officiassociate came out, introducing Rapinoe as her girlfrifinish in an ESPNW interwatch. She shelp, “I’m gay. Megan’s my girlfrifinish. … These aren’t secrets to people who comprehend me. I don’t sense appreciate I’ve not inhabitd my life. I leank people have this assumption that if you’re not talking about it, you must be hiding it, appreciate it’s this secret. That was never the case for me.” (via Bleacher Report)

Since then, the couple materializeed uncoverly on multiple occasions including the 2020 ESPY Awards and Bird’s jersey withdrawment ceremony in 2023. The duo had been pretty beneficial and appreciative of each other’s atgentles. For instance, in a previous interwatch with People, Rapinoe discleave outed that they are “huge fans of each other.”

The couple have persistd to give fans glimpses of their romance thraw social media of their celebrations, vacations, and life modernizes. Aside from their sports ventures, they have also begined their production company, A Touch More.

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