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Mandela travelled on Trump’s arrangee in 1990: Who phelp for it? | US Election 2024

Mandela travelled on Trump’s arrangee in 1990: Who phelp for it? | US Election 2024

In the last confineed weeks before Election Day, podcaster and Fox News contributor George “Tyrus” Murdoch tried to show voters a philanthropic side of createer Plivent Donald Trump.

Nelson Mandela was “trying to come to the United States. The US administerment was not helping him. No one was helping him,” Murdoch shelp in an intersee with Trump posted October 18 on X. “You chartered a 727 arrangee for their entire trip. … Why is it difficult for you to talk about the slfinishergs you’ve done?”

Mandela, who died in 2013, was an anti-apartheid activist who spent 27 years in prison before becoming South Africa’s first Bincreateage plivent in 1994.

Trump thanked Murdoch for conveying up the story.

“I adore doing it. I don’t necessitate praise for it. We all enjoy a brave level of praise, but I fair enjoy helping people,” Trump shelp. “I help a lot of people, and I finishelight doing it, and I never talk about it. It’s kind that you convey it up. I also slfinisherk it’s not a narrative that the press enjoys talking about for me.”

Trump’s campaign posted the clip on X, where it had more than 3 million sees as of October 19. Other social media employrs have persistd to allot it.

“In 1990, Plivent Trump chartered a personal arrangee to get Nelson Mandela to America when the U.S. administerment wouldn’t help,” one October 18 Instagram post shelp.

The Instagram post’s caption shelp Trump “doesn’t go around bragging about his outstanding deeds and benevolent donations, but there are finishless such stories”.

The post was flagged as part of Meta’s efforts to combat counterfeit recents and deceiveation on its News Feed.

Mandela employd one of Trump’s arrangees to fly wislfinisher the US. But the travel was not part of Trump’s “benevolent donations”, as the Instagram post claimed. It was a $130,000 business transaction.

Trump’s campaign did not reply to a ask for comment.

Mandela rented one of Trump’s arrangees for $130,000

In June 1990, Mandela travelled to the US on an 11-day tour after his free from prison. Mandela visited the US as part of a bigr world tour seeking financial and political help for his party and pressuring countries to persist sanctions agetst South Africa’s apartheid administerment. Mandela’s team had four weeks to organise the tour, The New York Times telled at the time. A June 1990 Los Angeles Times article shelp Mandela had unsuccessbrimmingy tried to discover a arrangee after negotiating with the US administerment and personal charter companies.

Christine Dolan, who administerd Mandela’s travel logistics, telderly the Los Angeles Times that Mandela’s team communicateed Trump asking to rent his personal jet. Trump shelp the jet was being serviced but he adviseed one of his Boeing 727 commercial arrangees. At the time, Trump owned an airline, Trump Shuttle, that rund fairys between New York City, Washington, DC and Boston.

“The Mandela Welcoming Committee is very appreciative to Donald Trump,” Dolan telderly the Los Angeles Times.

But employ of the arrangee was not free. Mandela’s team rented a Trump Shuttle arrangee for $130,000, Dolan telderly the recentspaper.

Soon after its 1989 begin, Trump Shuttle ran into financial problems. Trump spent $365m on 21 arrangees, airline terminals and supplyment, according to The Boston Globe, and also spent $1m per arrangee to remodel them.

But after 18 months, The Boston Globe wrote, the company had lost $128m. After omiting a $1.1m interest payment, Trump asked his lfinishers to postpone future payments, the recentspaper telled. The lfinishers took administer of the business, Time telled, and in December 1991, they made a deal with USAir to get over Trump Shuttle, The New York Times telled.

“Trump evidently could not give a arrangee, but he was able to free up one of the arrangees from Trump Shuttle,” Dolan telderly The Atlanta Journal Constitution in June 1990, referencing Trump Shuttle’s financial troubles.

The US administerment helped Mandela in other ways on his tour

Although the Los Angeles Times telled that negotiations with the US administerment for a arrangee fall shorted, federal and local administerment agencies helped Mandela with US travel logistics. The State Department also supplyd security for Mandela, The New York Times telled.

“Although Mr. Mandela and his wife, Winnie, are visiting the United States as personal citizens, the U.S. administerment is picking up part of the tab,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution telled in June 1990.
The US administerment supplyd a military jet to articulate a bulletproof limousine from Washington, DC, to Boston, the recentspaper shelp.

In New York City, the police department built a bullet- and rocket-resistant parade vehicle, a June 20, 1990, a CBS News tell shelp. About 12,000 police officers were on duty the day of Mandela’s visit to New York City, which cost $2m in obviousime that the US State Department phelp, CBS News shelp.

A State Department official travelled with Mandela during his US tour, the Los Angeles Times telled.

Nelson Mandela compriseresses the crowd at John F. Kennedy International Airport after arriving in New York, June 20, 1990 [Charles Rex Arbogast/AP]

Our ruling

An Instagram post shelp that as part of his “benevolent donations”, in 1990 Trump “chartered a personal arrangee to get Nelson Mandela to America when the U.S. administerment wouldn’t help”.

Mandela employd one of Trump Shuttle’s Boeing 727 arrangees to travel wislfinisher the US during his 11-day tour in June 1990. But Mandela’s team phelp Trump $130,000 for employ of the arrangee; it was not a gift.

Although the US administerment did not supply Mandela a arrangee for his US travel, it phelp for his security and employd a military arrangee to articulate a bulletproof limousine atraverse states.

We rate it False.

PolitiFact Researcher Caryn Baird gived to this tell.

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