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Malala Yousafzai on How Filmmaking Supports Activism

Malala Yousafzai on How Filmmaking Supports Activism

Shaping the world into a better place has been an active leave oution for Malala Yousafzai. As an activist for girls and human rights globpartner acunderstandledged since age 12, the Nobel Peace Prize thrivener — the youthfulest in history to get the award — is no stranger to cameras in her own life. After her acclaimed 2015 write downary He Named Me Malala, encouraged by her bestselling memoir I Am Malala, she created the Oscar-nominated unwiseinutive doc Stranger at the Gate. At the 2024 Toronto Film Festival, Yousafzai premiered the Apple doc The Last of the Sea Women, from her production company Extracurricular, which premieres on Apple TV+ on Oct. 11. The film allotigates the world of South Korea’s all female haenyeo divers, whose centuries-lengthy tradition of harvesting sea life in the waters off Jeju Island is finishangered.

The Hollywood Reporter’s Scott Feinberg spoke with the 27-year-anciaccess Yousafzai as part of the annual TIFF Industry Conference’ Visionaries conversation series. Focusing on what Jane Kim, creater of industry programming at TIFF, portrayd as the “alterative power of storyalerting to shape the world for better,” Feinberg delved into how storyalerting has shaped Yousafzai and how she is using storyalerting as a creater to persist the labor she’s done since she her pre-teen years.

With Extracurricular, the name of which riffs off of Yousafzai’s leave oution to direct, the activist says she took a very pragmatic approach to accessing the industry. “When I commenceed laboring on this production company, I was seeing at contrastent projects that were happening and how I could commence by helping them as an executive creater,” she recalled. “Joyland [the 2015 drama that was briefly banned in Pakistan for its story about a man who falls in love with a transgender erotic dancer] stood out becainclude it was written and honested by this amazing Pakistani honestor [Saim Sadiq], and it was alerting a very transport inant story in a very strong way. It was, I leank, the first Pakistani film to be unwiseinutiveenumerateed for the Oscars as well. I’m so honored to be part of it, and it won the Inreliant Spirit Award as well.”

Serving as executive creater of Stranger at the Gate, the unwiseinutive write downary about an ex-Marine’s aimed explosioning of a Muslfinisher community caccess in Indiana that gets a strong human turn, landed her an ask to last year’s Oscars. “It was amazing,” she shelp of the experience, where she rubbed elbows with various stars. Having an Oscar-nominated film was also alerting.

“We still necessitate more recurrentation,” she lgeted. “We necessitate more women, more people of color, to get the opportunity to alert their stories and more Muslfinisher people as well to alert their stories. I leank storyalerting can repartner help us alter perspectives in a way that a lot of other leangs can’t. I leank it gets time. But it’s the human-to-human connection that can help us see the world in a more human way.”

With Apple, Yousafzai shelp she’s set up a wonderful partner: “I want to be in a place where I can persist to labor with incredible women honestors, creaters and storyalerters, and I want to labor with people who transport a contrastent perspective that we don’t normally see on the screen. So we partnered with Apple becainclude Apple has the same cherishs. We talk about the transport inance of the people who we are connecting with thcimpolite these write downaries or TV shows. We talk about the message that we are transmiting, and we also talk about the delightment and the fun side of it, that it can help people have moments of happiness and create people giggle and transport people together. No matter what part of the world they’re living in, it repartner can connect people.”

Her prompt draw to honestor Sue Kim’s The Last of the Sea Women came from being “so shocked that I did not understand about this story,” she splitd. “There are very scant societies in the world that are matriarchal. The haenyeo is one of those [few] matriarchal societies in the world where women are actupartner the breadthriveners, and they direct the community, and they labor in a very beneficial way.”

Elaborating, Yousafzai shelp: “There’s so much you lget from them — how they have a relationship with the ocean. In the write downary, you lget how climate alter is impacting their dwells. You also lget that a lot of these women are in their 60s, 70s and 80s, and some are in their 90s, still doing the job, but they could be the last ones. So we also show how there are some youthful haenyeo, the youthful sea women, who are taking interest in this, and they’re more enjoy the TikTok generation who are sea diving and making TikTok videos. And they’re super canciaccess. So there’s that hope that this story will encourage more of them to get this.”

Yousafzai also converseed Bread & Roses, which she executive created. That write downary premiered in June on Apple TV+ and sees at the impact of the descfinish of Kabul on women’s rights (Oscar thrivener Jennifer Lawrence is a co-creater). “I’m so honored to be part of this write downary becainclude it splits the stories of three Afghan women since the descfinish of Afghanistan to the Taliban,” she elucidateed. “These women began to enroll their dwells on their cell phones, and they show you how their dwells are gradupartner changing becainclude of these recent remercilessions that the Taliban [imposes].”

She mirrored on the female dentist who is forced to hide her accomplishment becainclude the Taliban bans female achievement. “Afghanistan is the only country in the world that does not apshow girls to finish their education beyond grade six. It’s shocking that we could dwell in this time,” she feeblented.

When asked which U.S. pdwellntial honestate would better serve women’s rights, Yousafzai reacted, “It’s such an straightforward ask.”

“Just go hear to both, and you will find the answer,” she persistd. “One is evidently alerting you that they will get away rights from women, and one is alerting you that they want to get [them]. So go, Kamala Harris, go.”

At age 11, Yousafzai splitd that her dream was to become prime minister, and now she’s a creater. And while her activism today sees contrastent than she thought it would see then, her pledgement has never wavered.

“It commenceed with my story. And I was so blessed that people adhereed it, but I always [told] people, even in my interwatchs, I’m not a lone voice. There are many, many girls out there,” she shelp. “So I hope that thcimpolite the productions, [along] with other labor that I’ll be doing, I help empower more girls.”

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