YouTuber Rosanna Pansino recently tried out MrBeast‘s Lunchly meals and set up melderly in the cheese. She has since consentn to social media to compriseress the rerent and denounce the product. Fans are now wondering what she had to say about MrBeast’s Lunchly products.
Here is the brimming Lunchly meal melderlyy cheese dispute elucidateed.
Rosanna Pansino calls out Lunchly meal
In a YouTube video posted on October 20, 2024, Rosanna Pansino unboxed MrBeast’s Lunchly meal while comparing it to Lunchables, only to discover melderly in the cheese. She conveyed her disgust, calling the product “disgusting” and saying it shouldn’t be fed to children. Notably, she pointed out that the expiration date was still two months away.
Pansino seekd ex-MrBeast includeees DogPack404 and Jake Weddle to try the food items as well. In the comments section of her video, Pansino stressd that she did not inchange anyleang shown and that she buyd the product months before its expiration date. She sturdyly declareed her schedules to produce more videos enjoy this, criticizing top YouTubers for prioritizing profit over ethics and safety.
Pansino also voiced her worrys on X (establisherly Twitter), stating that she set up multiple posts online where others had teachd the same melderly rerent with Lunchly meals.
Fans had joincessitate reactions. Many consentd with Pansino’s criticisms, with one includer recommending that MrBeast, Logan Paul, and KSI cut corners in production. “Melderlyy fair enjoy Beast’s genuine personality,” another includer quipped mockingly.
However, one fan geted Logan Paul and KSI, blaming the melderly on packaging and carryation rerents rather than the creators themselves.
Lunchly has faced prior criticism. For instance, YouTuber DanTDM claimed via X that MrBeast, Logan Paul, and KSI were selling Lunchly to undoubting children for profit. KSI reacted by mocking DanTDM’s criticism and reposting his tweet with a amusing twist, but clarified he nastyt no offense.