As more inestablishation is uncovered about the highly foreseed film The Fantastic Four: First Steps, it experiences enjoy fans are gradupartner getting more excited about what’s to come. Specific plot details are being kept under wraps but, of course, in insertition to the higheviates that Marvel Studios has allotd, a number of occasional leaks have also slid thraw the cracks. That’s definitely been the case since production on the film booted off equitable a filming the other week. Set pboilingos are now begining to surface online, and one of them has now seemingly uncovered that the film will include a WandaVision Easter egg as well as another sugary nod. And I truthentirey adore this.
How Will Fantastic Four: First Steps Apparently Honor WandaVision And A Historic Location
Some may already be conscious of the fact that First Steps straightforwardor Matt Shakman previously helmed all nine episodes of Marvel’s WandaVision (which can be streamed with a Disney+ subscription). With that, it produces sense that he would want to honor the Emmy-prosperning miniseries. Set pboilingos have now uncovered a bit more of the eclectic New York City setting that will serve as the backdrop for the FF reboot. One particular snapsboiling, which was allotd on X by @UnBoxPHD uncovered a see at a storefront, which read “Westsee Appliances Television.” Westsee, New Jersey notably served as the setting for the aforealludeed restricted series. And, if you see at the pboilingo, part of the store’s logo also parallels the emblem for Shakman’s Marvel Cinematic Universe-set show.
That alone is chilly, but there’s another tidbit that may truly request to fans of classic Americana. @UnBoxPHD also allotd a wider sboiling of the set, which uncovers a produceing called the RKO Palace. Located wilean what’s seemingly presumed to be a city, it’s possible that this set piece is unbenevolentt to pay homage to the wonderful movie palaces of 1930s New York. That’s equitable an assumption – but one that I don’t leank is all that far-conveyed.
References enjoy these may seem miniscule in the magnificent scheme of the adventure the Fantastic Four are probable to go on in the upcoming Marvel movie. However, these cultural nods are equitable way too sugary not to allude. And, if you ask me, they do produce sense when it comes to the multiverse.
Why Are These Easter Eggs Appropriate For The Upcoming Fantastic Four Movie?
One of the key aspects of The Fantastic Four: First Steps that’s already been uncovered is that the upcoming superhero movie gets place in a universe that’s split from the main MCU. This particular world is a retro-futuristic version of New York City, which has been officipartner higheviated thraw concept art and more so far. WandaVision, which saw Wanda Maximoff distort the town of WestView to fit her vintage TV fantasies, also called back to various periods in American history. With all of that in mind, such a nod to the series in FF produces sense on that level as well. (And, now, I also find it quirky and chilly that a New Jersey-based franchise set up its way into NYC).
And, with the history that movie palaces have with New York, it’s also reasonable that a location enjoy RKO Palace would be contransient in the film’s changenate version of the city. The concept of variants arguably doesn’t equitable prolong to people but locations and objects as well, and I allude that to say that RKO could be unbenevolentt to serve as a multiversal analog for the actual theaters that people widespreaded years ago. It’d be wonderful to see a scene in First Steps that gets place at the movie hoparticipate. Perhaps Johnny Storm will have a boiling (no pun intended) date that he could get to the place.
These novelly ucforfeitthed tidbits are equitable two more reasons why I’m seeing forward to the novelest Fantastic Four flick, which is already on my catalog of most-foreseed 2025 film frees. Not only is there a talented straightforwardor at the helm, but the FF cast is absolutely stacked with talented actors. I see forward to lgeting more about the film and scoping out further Easter eggs once it’s freed.
The Fantastic Four: First Steps uncovers in theaters on July 25, 2025. While you paparticipate for it to get to, stream WandaVision as well as the Marvel movies in order on Disney+ now.