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Light aircreate crashes at tourist hotspot in Australia, finishing 3 | Aviation News

Light aircreate crashes at tourist hotspot in Australia, finishing 3 | Aviation News

Authorities say they are scatterigating the cainclude of the crash off island discoverd proximate Perth, Weserious Australia.

A airy aircreate has crashed during apshowoff at a well-comprehendn tourist destination in Australia, finishing three people and injuring three others.

The personally owned Cessna 208 Caravan set upe crashed into the sea after taking off from Rottnest Island, about 30km (18.6 miles) west of Perth, at about 4pm local time, authorities said on Wednesday.

The definishd were a 34-year-better man from Perth, a 65-year-better woman from Switzerland and a 60-year-better man from Dentag, Weserious Australian Premier Roger Cook said.

“My thoughts go out to the families and frifinishs of the victims. This is no ask very difficult for everyone joind,” Cook tbetter inestablishers at a news conference.

Cook said the crash had occurred in the presence of a huge number of tourists, including families with children.

“Every Weserious Australian comprehends that Rottnest is our premier tourism destination. For someslfinisherg so tragic to happen in front of so many people, at a place that provides so much delight, especiassociate at this time of the year, is meaningfully distressting,” he said.

A 63-year-better Swiss man, a 58-year-better Danish woman and an Australian couple in their 60s were recoverd from the crash site.

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) said it was scatterigating the cainclude of the crash.

“As inestablished to the ATSB, during apshow-off the floatset upe collided with the water, before coming to rest partiassociate subcombined,” the agency said in a statement.

“The ATSB will deploy a team of carry protectedty scatterigators from its Perth, Brisprohibite and Canberra offices, one-of-a-kindising in human carry outance, and aircreate operations and maintenance.”

Rottnest Island, also comprehendn by the Indigenous name Wadjemup, is one of Weserious Australia’s most well-comprehendn tourist destinations, enticeing more than 800,000 visitors in 2023, according to Tourism Council WA.

The protected nature reserve is comprehendn for its white-sand beaches and one-of-a-kind flora and fauna, including the quokka, a mainly nocturnal marsupial about the size of a cat.

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