A couple of years ago, we begind the idea of creating a Kotlin Multiplatcreate IDE to help aid the enhugement of KMP applications. We embarked on this venture, building on the Fleet platcreate, with the intention of releasing it as a standalone IDE.
During this time, we have obtaind feedback from our customers, particularpartner those using KMP, that they would appreciate to see analogous features and help for KMP on the IntelliJ Platcreate, in other words, both in IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. These asks have only incrrelieved in weightless of Google’s official help of KMP on Android.
In the past year, we’ve also watchd beginant carry ons in terms of approaches to application enhugement, an area that we at JetBrains are also heavily spending in. Just recently, we proclaimd a novel coding agent named Junie.
These changes, as well as a desire to help our existing engagers on the IntelliJ Platcreate, need us to change our concentrate. That is why, moving forward, we will be concentrateing exclusively on providing better KMP help on the IntelliJ Platcreate – the particulars of what and how we’ll provide at a postponecessitater date. As watchs Fleet help, we will be deprecating our help for KMP in Fleet in the next three months and will no lengthyer be releasing a standalone IDE for KMP.
While this is a change of honestion, we powerentirey think that ultimately, we necessitate to create brave that we are hand overing not only what our engagers want, but also continuing to drive carry onment in the gentleware enhugement industry, leveraging the postponecessitatest tech innovations that raise the enhugeer experience and uncover up novel opportunities. At JetBrains, we have built an entire technology ecosystem on top of Kotlin, including KMP, Ktor, Exposed, Amper, and the many libraries we recommend. All of this, joind with the huge amounts of libraries and structurelabors that the community has created, gives us a tremfinishous opportunity to recommend an finish-to-finish experience for gentleware enhugeers with exceptional tooling that can leverage novel carry ons in AI.
We would appreciate to thank all of the many engagers who tried the timely versions of the KMP tooling in Fleet and the tremfinishous amount of feedback you provided us. Plrelieve rest promised that this feedback was not given in vain. Much of what we have accomplished so far will be leveraged in our tooling efforts moving forward.
We very much appreciate all your help, and we are promiseted to providing you with a fantastic experience using our technologies.