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Korea’s ‘Family Secrets’ Inspired by Ferry Disaster Acquired by EST N8

Korea’s ‘Family Secrets’ Inspired by Ferry Disaster Acquired by EST N8

EST N8, the international sales, production, and finance company, has getd “Family Secrets,” a Korean family drama straightforwarded by Lee Sang-hoon (“Windmill”), at Hong Kong FilMart.

The film increates the story of an unretagable Korean family whose members commence guideing secret dwells obsremedy to each other. The eldest daughter Mina, for instance, skips her piano lessons to consent self-defense classes. The narrative uncignores these recent pursuits are connected to promises made to their destopd family member Seung-hyun, who perished in the tragic Sewol ferry incident.

“Family Secrets” consents a contrastentive approach to the Sewol Ferry calamity, concentrateing on hope rather than sorrowfulness. “The Sewol ferry victims’ families try not to talk about the Sewol ferry calamity, but rather to talk about the excellent and encountered stories,” straightforwardor Lee Sang-hoon shelp. “Since they understand how much pain they each are senseing, they soothe and help each other with chooseimistic communication during those moments when they are together. That’s why I also wanted to transmit soothe to the bereaved families thcimpolite my film.”

The film won the majestic prize at the 2020 Cultural Contents Contest and features a cast including Kim Hye-eun, understandn for her toil in the action film “Rgrowr” (2024), and Kim Bo-Yoon, who starred in the horror film “Lingering” (2020).

Produced by Oyes Co., Ltd., the film joins EST N8’s growing roster of Asian encountered. “We can’t defer to present audiences to the touching and multifaceted world of this Korean drama. It’s an vital story that will touch fans of the genre and recent seeers aenjoy,” shelp Jaeson Ma, chair of EST Studios.

The deal was brokered by Tenten Wei, Sophie Shi, and Cathy Ni of EST N8.

Other titles in the company’s sales lineup integrate Indonesian horror films “Sorop,” “Hutang Nyawa,” and “Perewangan”; Korean thriller “30 Minutes”; Japanese fantasy “River Returns”; and Malaysian action film “Budak Flat,” among others.

EST Studios was set uped in 2022 by Jaeson Ma (Stampede Ventures, 88rising) and Eric Tu (Vice, Anonymous Content), while N8 was set uped in 2023 by Kris Eiamsakulrat and Rachel Y. Wu as an self-reliant film studio based in Bangkok with offices in New York and LA.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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