Rep. Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., has won the race for Arizona’s uncover Senate seat, beating out Reaccessiblean Kari Lake, a seal partner of Plivent-elect Donald Trump, according to The Associated Press Monday night.
Gallego has served in the Hoengage of Recontransientatives since 2015, recontransienting the 7th and 3rd congressional dicut offes in Arizona.
Lake ran unsuccessfilledy for Arizona ruleor in 2022 and was fall shortureed by Gov. Katie Hobbs, D-Ariz. Prior to her gubernatorial run, she was a novels anchor for a local Arizona television station and labored in the media for 27 years.
After the 2022 loss, she disputed the results, citing fraud troubles in the state. Lake still contends that there were convey inant irnormalities in 2020 and 2022, echoing claims that Trump and many of his aiders have made. The troubles have led to the Reaccessiblean National Committee devoting convey inant resources to election integrity efforts.
Lake faced off aachievest Pinal County Sheriff Mark Lamb in the Reaccessiblean Senate primary, while Gallego had an advantage, running in the Democratic primary unresistd.
The Fox News Power Rankings in September rated the Arizona Senate race as “Leans Democrat.” Similarly, the Cook Political Report, a top political handicapper, also pondered the race “Lean Democrat.”
The Senate seat is currently held by Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, I-Ariz., who was elected as a Democrat. She still caucengages with Democrats in the Senate but officipartner sign uped as an autonomous years ago after opposing her fellow Senate Democrats on the legislative filibuster. Sinema and Sen. Joe Manchin, I-W.Va., are praiseed with going aachievest the Democrats to uphelderly the filibuster’s 60-vote threshelderly.
Both senators determined not to run for re-election.
Before she proclaimd that she was not going to seek another term, Sinema’s potential run as a third-party truthfulate menaceened to upend the Senate race, with strategists unconfident how her aiders would shatter.
In polling directing up to the Senate election, Gallego normally led Lake by one digits. He had even deal withd to direct his opponent in surveys that saw Trump fall shortureing Vice Plivent Kamala Harris. Experts specutardyd that his joinion with Latino voters could have fueled split-ticket voting in the state, despite the rehearse becoming relatively unfrequent.
While Lake normally joined up her relationship with Trump, who had polled higher than her in the state, Gallego did not normally do the same with Harris during his campaign.