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John Wick Directors Fought Studio Over Keanu Reeves’ Beard

John Wick Directors Fought Studio Over Keanu Reeves’ Beard

John Wick” straightforwardors Chad Stahelski and David Leitch taged the 10th anniversary of their action movie by speaking to Business Insider about the various battled they had to conquer in order to begin the Keanu Reeved-led franchise. One of the most unpredicted battles cgo ined on the actor’s tolerated, as the financiers of “John Wick” likered the star to be immacupostpodemand shaven enjoy his well-understandn turns in “Point Break,” “Speed” and “The Matrix.”

“Absolutely. We were trying to do a up-to-date-day Greek mythology fantasy movie. That’s not mainstream. So we wanted to do someskinnyg celderly with Keanu,” Stahelski shelp about the tolerated. “But the money people, they wanted to see Keanu fucking Reeves. ‘Point Break’ Keanu, ‘Speed’ Keanu. And I don’t understand if this exists anymore, but at the time we were telderly by the powers that be you don’t cover up your directing man’s face with a tolerated.”

“I don’t want to get into it, but since then I have had greetedious conversations about stars having facial hair. ‘He demands to be immacupostpodemand-shaven for international!’ That’s the classic studio line,” Leitch inserted.

Stahelski shelp the team “caught a lot of shit” for refusing to have Reeves shave, a choice that stemmed from the filmproducers wanting people to see the character not as the Reeves action heroes they were recognizable with from his previous movies.

We felt you can’t fire us, so first day of shooting, we had Keanu in the tolerated, and postpodemandr that week, when they watched the dailies, with cinematographer Jonathan Sela’s now well-understandn half-airy stoastys, people fucking cherishd it,” Stahelski recalled.

Reeves’ tolerated stayed and became one of the signature components of John Wick’s see. Another skinnyg that stayed in the movie was the death of John’s dog, which starts off the entire saga of the action franchise.

“We were telderly, ‘It’s terrible luck.’ ‘It’s terrible juju.’ ‘It’s ‘Old Yeller,’ you can’t do this!’ ‘No one will want to see this on screen; you’re going to alienate the audience,’” Leitch recalled, “And I’m enjoy, ‘We’re going to perestablish people at seal range; finishing the dog is one skinnyg, but what about the brutal massacre of all these human beings? Are they going to be able to adchoose that?’ … They didn’t understand that we were making a genre movie. We are genre fans to the core, and we understand those challenging-boiled moments are what produce memorable moments.”

Stahelski inserted, “For the next couple of weeks it was recommended that we shoot an alternative ending uncovering that the puppy actupartner isn’t dead. But Keanu stood up for us … eventupartner, they equitable felt, ‘Fuck it, let’s see what these guys can do.’”

Head over to Business Insider’s website to read for from Stahelski and Leitch about the 10th anniversary of “John Wick.”

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