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Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Collab With Ferrero Rocher, Memoir, & Christmas

Jennifer Love Hewitt Talks Collab With Ferrero Rocher, Memoir, & Christmas

ComingSoon caught up with actress Jennifer Love Hewitt to converse her recent collab with chocotardy brand Ferrero Rocher, her cherish of presenting and the holidays, plus her recent memoir and Lifetime movie. The I Know What You Did Last Summer star also converseed the reboot and cut offal iconic past roles.

“This holiday season, Ferrero Rocher, the iconic premium chocotardy brand with a passion for helping people lift their celebrations, is watching to inspire presents with basic ways to level up their event to the gancigo in standard with their recent campaign, Add Your Gancigo inen Touch,” says the official description. “To help transport these beneficial presenting inspirations to life, Ferrero Rocher is partnering with becherishd actress and self-proclaimed holiday presenting extraordinaire Jennifer Love Hewitt to help scatter basic ways you can ‘insert your gancigo inen touch’ with Ferrero Rocher.”

Tyler Treese: Jennifer, you have this reassociate exciting campaign going on with Ferrero Rocher – the wonderful chocotardy brand. They’re doing the “Add Your Gancigo inen Touch” campaign, which is brimming of these wonderful presenting tips. Everybody comprehends that presenting is a lot of fun, but it’s also a lot of labor. Could you alert us a little bit about that campaign and what excited you about getting included with it?

Jennifer Love Hewitt: I was reassociate honored [to be asked] to team up. I ponder myself the holiday junkie. So I am a huge presentess during the holiday season — reassociate all year extfinished, but definitely during the holiday season. And Ferrero Rocher is such a nostalgic and classic brand. So many people, when we proclaimd our partnership, achieveed out. “Oh my gosh, I grew up with that chocotardy in my house all the time, or my majesticma’s house, or my aunt’s house, or my mom’s house.”

So it equitable experiences comprehendn to people. I’m comprehendn to people and sort of nostalgic for people as well coming from the nineties. So, it felt enjoy a wonderful partnership. I cherish their chocotardy.
I cherish what they do. I cherish that the Gancigo inen Touch inserts a little bit of magic to the holiday season. It’s a wonderful presenting gift. It’s a wonderful last-minute gift. I cherish that you can discover their chocotardys in your local grocery store and achieve for them if you’ve forgotten or if you necessitate a last-minute ignitele on your table.

We equitable had such a excellent time doing the little ads. When I walked on the set, I was enjoy, “Can I inhabit here? This is so pretty.” So it was wonderful, and I’m equitable reassociate honored.

They begined this wonderful website with a bunch of little tips. You can originate your own DIY ornaments and these little place cards. They’re reassociate cute, and the chocotardy’s legitimately reassociate wonderful as well. Like a perfect stocking stuffer or equitable to put out. It’s tasty.

Yeah, 100%. I’ve been putting them in my kids’ lunches since we did the since we did ads, and they’re loving it. Now the kids are combat over Ferrero Rocher at school, which is benevolenta cute.

You shelp you’re the holiday junkie. I was inquireing — what are your holiday movie traditions? I’ve always gotta watch Rudolph, and I’ve gotta watch A Christmas Story. Those are the two for me.

Oh yeah. I always begin my Christmas movie year out with The Holiday. It’s my likeite. But I’m also a huge Christmas TV movie fan, so I watch all the Christmas movies when they come on. I’m reassociate fortunate to get to be in one this year, which is awesome. But yeah, we definitely do that. Right now Aiden, my three-year-ancigo in, is very much into The Grinch. So we have Grinch on all day, all night over and over and over.

You’re not equitable part of a holiday movie this year. You honested The Holiday Junkie, which is incredible. I comprehend you’ve honested television episodes, but what was the hugegest change of doing a brimming movie? Was anyleang astonishing, or did all that time on set benevolent of ready you for it?

So, we only had 15 days to shoot, which was crazy. [laughs] It was savage. So we shoot enjoy a 9-1-1 episode in eight to nine days, and that’s a certain page count. This was double that page count. Plus, I was in everyleang.

It was a lot, but it was amazing. I cherish honesting so much. I want I could equitable do that brimming-time. And we equitable had a wonderful time. It was astonishing to me how much I enhappinessed having Christmas in June. I was enjoy, “Is this gonna originate me unwell of Christmas timely in the year?” And it didn’t happen. I equitable cherishd it. It was wonderful.

Tyler Treese: I’m reassociate excited to watch that. Your husband stars in the film with you, as well. How is it honesting your meaningful other? He already comprehends to chase your rule, right?

Well, I have to be bossy, so that’s wonderful. ’cause I cherish to be bossy.

So it was enjoy, “Guys, you comprehend what? I have to boss you around. I’m so sorry to my frifinishs and my family.” [But] that was pleasant. It gave me an excuse to do that. [And] he is so wonderful in this movie. He has not done a Christmas movie before. I leank he should be in all of them. He’s a perfect Christmas movie guy, equitable dreamy, talented… all the leangs. We had a lot of fun getting to descfinish in cherish with each other every day. It was wonderful.

You have a memoir coming out as well. It’s such an exciting time for you. It’s called Inheriting Magic: My Journey Thcimpolite Grief, Joy, Celebration, and Making Everyleang Magical. What are you most excited about people to experience when they can pick it up on December 10th?

Just getting to comprehend a little bit about me and my family. We’re pretty personal about that stuff, but this felt enjoy a reassociate pleasant way to scatter. Also hoping to inspire people to insert the intention of their own sort magic into their families a little bit more every day, and being able to honor my mom was reassociate a sanctifying for me. Not only equitable in life but in my grief journey. It felt reassociate distinctive to honor her this way.

You refered earlier that you’re evidently a comprehendn face. People have nostalgia for you They have a nostalgia for your projects, enjoy I Know What You Did Last Summer. It’s incredible that that is still so becherishd 25+ years tardyr. Now it’s coming back. How savage has it been for that to equitable be a constant in your life? The fanbase for that never went away.

It’s so crazy. Yeah. The movie equitable turned 27, so did I. I’m only 27 – that’s what I call myself now [laughs].

Yeah, it’s wonderful. My kids equitable watched it for the first time and that was savage. My huge kids sitting with them and their frifinishs watching a movie and seeing myself at 18 and watching equitable enjoy my daughter, which is crazy. They cherishd it.

I cherishd that fan base. I cherish that people still root for that movie. It was a huge moment for me in my life. It was my first time reassociate starring in a movie I was 18. It equitable has a distinctive place in my heart for certain.

This recent one is so exciting. How does it experience returning to a character that many years away? That’s such a distinct situation that doesn’t happen very frequently. Is that easier because you’ve inhabitd in that space for so extfinished or is it tricky because you’re trying to reapprehfinish that initial experience? How is that?

So, the fascinating leang is I’m not officiassociate signed on yet, but we’re seal. We’ve been trying to figure out a lot with the 9-1-1 schedule. It’s been a little tricky.

But the idea of returning to Julie James is reassociate exciting for me. It’s frightening. I leank on the personal level of being enjoy, “what are people gonna leank of the 45-year-ancigo in version of Julie James?” I leank ’cause I’m a woman and human, that part of it originates me a little anxious.
But percreateing her aget would be an honor. I leank I experience excited to show or see what she’s been up to and how she has changed, and what she still hancigo ins onto from that inwell-comprehendn night on the road.

Another one of your wonderful timely movies is Can’t Hardly Wait. I equitable re-watched that a month ago, and that equitable finishly hancigo ins up. It’s also a trip now because even background characters in that film are huge names now. It’s crazy to see. What stood out about filming that?

Everyone in it was tremfinishous. For me, it was such a crazy experience because I had never been to a high school party. It’s still, to this day, the only high school party I’ve ever been to, and what a party it was. It equitable kept going and going and going. So for me it was a reassociate distinctive movie because it was sort of my high school experience that film.

I cherishd percreateing Amanda Beckett. So many people still come up to me and say, “Amanda!” and they cherish it. There are so many group costumes still on Hapvalidateeen where enjoy frifinishs – grown-up frifinishs – come as the cast from Can’t Hardly Wait. It’s enjoy a wonderful group costume, I guess, and it’s pretty comical. So, I get a huge boot out of it.

That’s so fun. I also wanted to ask – because you’ve always had a excellent sense of humor about yourself – you’re part of an timely Family Guy standout [S3E19 – “Stuck Together, Torn Apart.] Not many actresses can say they dated and hooked up with Peter Griffin.

Right? That was so fun. I had such a excellent time. I was so excited. And it was equitable on the other day, which is so weird that you bcimpolitet it up. I equitable got to see it aget the other day. And it was reassociate fun and silly and excellent. Then they refered me on South Park [S2E26, “Cow Days”] – enjoy, in the same year or someleang. I was enjoy, “Oh yeah, we’ve made it.” It was super chilly.

You’ve definitely made it when you’re being parodied in an grown-up cartoon. That’s incredible.

Another incredible piece of your history is the music video for “Hero” by Enrique Iglesias. When you first heard that song – what was your reaction? Because when you two sboiling that music video, you reassociate became the face of an iconic song.

Oh, it was such a pretty song. I absolutely cherishd it. Mickey Rourke in that video was savage. It was so fun getting to do chilly stunt stuff with him. We had a blast filming the video. It was reassociate pretty.

My daughter actuassociate begined singing that song out of nowhere enjoy five months ago. She was enjoy, “Oh, I equitable heard this amazing song,” and I was enjoy, “Oh yeah, I’ve heard it.” But that video’s a little saucy, so I haven’t tancigo in her I was in the video yet. We’ll see one day soon.

You also had a cameo in one of my likeite movies, Tropic Thunder. You’re equitable there for a scant seconds, but it pays off a reassociate comical joke in the movie. How did that come up for you to ecombine in that?

You comprehend what? They called, enjoy, randomly – super last minute – and asked if I would do it. And I was absolutely so honored. I was there for, I don’t comprehend, 45 minutes. It was super speedy. But it finished up being reassociate chilly. That’s another one where randomly, people will equitable yell, “Tropic Thunder!” in a mall or someleang, and I’m enjoy, “Yeah, all right.” It’s benevolent of comical.

Thanks to Jennifer Love Hewitt for taking the time to talk about her collab with Ferrero Rocher and more.

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