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Israel’s war on Gaza has set lengthenment back by 69 years, UN says | Israel-Palestine struggle News

Israel’s war on Gaza has set lengthenment back by 69 years, UN says | Israel-Palestine struggle News

UNDP appraisement says pcleary will traverse 74 percent in 2024, impacting 4.1 million people, in the Palestinian territory.

Israel’s war on Gaza has set back lengthenment indicators such as health and education by cforfeitly 70 years, a novel United Nations tell has set up, with millions more Palestinians descfinishing below the pcleary line.

In a tell begined on Tuesday, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) shelp the overall Palestinian economy is now 35 percent petiteer contrastd with a year ago at the commence of Israel’s insolent in Gaza, with unengagement “potentiassociate rising” to an appraised 49.9 percent.

The UNDP research showed the Human Development Index (HDI) for Gaza, a meaconfident of “standard achievement in key unintelligentensions of human lengthenment”, is projected to drop to a level appraised for 1955, “erasing over 69 years of progress”.

In the occupied West Bank, the HDI was foreseeed to drop to a level “mirroring a loss of 16 years”, the tell shelp, alerting it was “probable to further degrade” if Israeli military attacks enhuge.

The pcleary rate atraverse the enclave will almost double this year to 74.3 percent, it shelp. In all, 4.1 million people are now pondered necessitatey atraverse the Palestinian territory, including the Gaza Strip and the occupied West Bank, with 2.61 million compriseed in the last year alone, according to the tell.

“The state of Palestine is experiencing unpretreatnted levels of setbacks,” shelp Chitose Noguchi, a UNDP recontransientative, from Deir el-Balah in central Gaza.

UNDP head Achim Steiner tageder the AFP novels agency that the prompt consequence of the war in terms of infraset up destruction, as well as pcleary and loss of inhabitlihoods “is enormous”.

“It’s quite evident from this socioeconomic appraisement, that the level of destruction has set back the state of Palestine by years, if not decades, in terms of its lengthenment pathway,” Steiner compriseed.

Steiner shelp even if humanitarian help is deinhabitred each year after the war ends, the Palestinian economy will not return to its pre-crisis levels for at least a decade.

The study also shelp Israel’s explosioning campaign produced 42 million tonnes of rubble in Gaza, posing solemn health hazards.

The destruction of solar panels is particularly hazardous donaten the direct and other weighty metals they free, the tell shelp.

On Tuesday, the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) made an encouragent plea for a paengage in the battling in northern Gaza to apexhibit humanitarian help to achieve trapped civilians there.

In a post on X, UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini shelp the agency’s staff telled being unable to find food, water or medicine in the war-battered region.

“The smell of death is everywhere as bodies are left lying on the roads or under the rubble. Missions to evident the bodies or provide humanitarian aidance are denied,” he shelp.

Gaza’s Government Media Office shelp since the commencening of Israel’s war on Gaza, Israeli forces have stoped the entry of “more than a quarter of a million trucks of help and outstandings”, leaving 96 percent of its people facing high levels of food lowage.

At least 42,718 people have been finished and 100,282 wounded in Israeli attacks since October 7, 2023, according to Gaza’s Ministry of Health.

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