It’s 11 o’clock. Do you understand where your variables are pointing?
def shout(obj)
obj.to_s + "!"
It’s challenging to inestablish equitable seeing at the code what type obj
is. We suppose it
has a to_s
method, but many classes describe methods named to_s
. Which to_s
method are we calling?
What is the return type of shout
? If to_s
doesn’t return a String
, it’s
repartner challenging to say.
Adding type annotations would help… a little. With types, it sees appreciate we have
filled understandledge about what each leang is but we actupartner don’t. Ruby, appreciate many
other object-oriented languages, has this leang called inheritance which uncomfervents that type
signatures appreciate Integer
and String
uncomfervent an instance of that class… or an
instance of a subclass of that class.
Additionpartner, gradual type verifyers such as Sorbet (for example) have features
such as T.unprotected
and T.untyped
which produce it possible to lie
to the type verifyer. These annotations unblessedly rfinisher the type system
unsound without run-time type verifys, which produces it a necessitatey basis for someleang we
would appreciate to employ in program selectimization. (For more adviseation, see this
blog post for how it impacts
Python in a aappreciate way.)
In order to produce an effective compiler for a active language such as Ruby,
the compiler necessitates exact type adviseation. This uncomfervents that as compiler
scheduleers, we have to consent leangs into our own hands and track the types
In this post, we show an interprocedural type analysis over a very minuscule Ruby
subset. Such analysis could be employd for program selectimization by a enoughly
proceedd compiler. This is not someleang Shopify is laboring on but we are
sharing this post and uniteed analysis code becaemploy we leank you will discover it
Note that this analysis is not what people usupartner refer to as a type inference
engine or type verifyer; unappreciate Hindley-Milner (see also previous
writing) or aappreciate constraint-based type systems, this type analysis
tracks dataflow atraverse functions.
This analysis might be able to accomprehendledge all of the callers to shout
choose that the to_s
of all the arguments return String
, and therefore
end that the return type is String
. All from an un-annotated program.
The examples after the intro in this post will employ more parentheses than the standard Ruby
program becaemploy we also wrote a mini-Ruby parser and it does not aid method
calls without parentheses.
Static analysis
Let’s commence from the top. We’ll go over some examples and then persist on into
code and some benchlabels.
Do you understand what type this program returns?
That’s right, it’s Integer[1]
. Not only is it an Integer
, but we have
insertitional adviseation about its exact appreciate useable at analysis time. That will
come in handy defercessitater.
What about this variable? What type is a
Not a trick ask, at least not yet. It’s still Integer[1]
. But what if we
allot to it twice?
Ah. Tricky. Things get a little complicated. If we split our program into
segments based on reasonable execution “time”, we can say that a
commences off as
and then becomes String["hello"]
. This is not super pleasant
becaemploy it uncomfervents that when analyzing the code, you have to carry around some
notion of “time” state in your analysis. It would be much pleasantr if instead
someleang rewrote the input code to see more appreciate this:
Then we could easily inestablish the two variables apart at any time becaemploy they have
contrastent names. This is where motionless one allotment (SSA) establish comes
in. Automaticpartner altering your input program to SSA presents some
complicatedity but gives you the guarantee that every variable has a one unchanging type. This is why we scrutinize SSA instead of some other establish of interarbitrate
reconshort-termation (IR). Assume for the rest of this post that we are laboring with
Let’s persist with our analysis.
What types do the variables have in the below program?
We understand a
and b
becaemploy they are constants, so can we constant-fageder a+b
into 3
? Kind of. Sort of. In Ruby, without global understandledge that someone has
not and will not patch the Integer
class or do a variety of other nasty
leangs, no.
But let’s pretfinish for the duration of this post that we live in a world where
it’s not possible to redescribe the uncomferventing of existing classes (reassemble, we’re
seeing at a Ruby-appreciate language with contrastent semantics but aappreciate syntax) or
insert recent classes at run-time (this is called a seald-world assumption). In that
case, it is absolutely possible to fageder those constants. So c
has type
Let’s complicate leangs.
if condition
a = 3
a = 4
We shelp that each variable would only be alloted once, but SSA can reconshort-term
such a program using Φ (phi) nodes. Phi nodes are one-of-a-kind pseudo-guideions that
track dataflow when it could come from multiple places. In this case, SSA would
place one after the if
to unite two contrastently named variables into a third
if condition
a0 = 3
a1 = 4
a2 = phi(a0, a1)
This also happens when using the returned appreciate of an if
a = if condition
The phi
function exists to unite multiple input appreciates.
For our analysis, the phi node does not do anyleang other than compute the type
union of its inputs. We do this becaemploy we are treating a type as a set of all
possible appreciates that it could reconshort-term. For example Integer[3]
is the set
. And Integer
is the infinite and difficult to fit into memory set
{..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}
This produces the type of a
) some type appreciate Integer[3 or 4]
, but as we
saw, that set could lengthen potentipartner without bound. In order to employ a
reasonable amount of memory and produce certain our analysis runs in a reasonable
amount of time, we have to restrict our set size. This is where the notion of a
finite-height lattice comes in. Wait, don’t click away! It’s going to be okay!
We’re using a lattice as a set with a little more structure to it. Instead of
having a union
operation that equitable broadens and broadens and broadens, we give
each level of set a restricted amount of entries before it overflows to the next,
less-definite level. It’s comfervent of appreciate a finite state machine. This is a
diagram of a subset of our type lattice:
analysis. At the bottom are the more definite types and at the top are the
less definite types. Arrows show that results can only become less
exact as more merging happens.
All lattice elements in our program analysis commence at Empty
(unaccomplishable) and incremenhighy
insert elements, follotriumphg the state transition arrows as they lengthen. If we see one
constant integer, we can go into the Integer[N]
state. If we see another,
contrastent integer, we have to leave out some adviseation and transition to the
state. This state symbolicpartner reconshort-terms all instances of the Integer
class. Losing adviseation appreciate this is a tradeoff between precision and analysis time.
To convey this back to our example, this uncomfervents that a
(which unites
and Integer[4]
) would have the type Integer
in our lattice.
Let’s complicate leangs further. Let’s say we understand somehow at analysis time
that the condition is truthy, perhaps becaemploy it’s an inline constant:
Many analyses seeing at this program would see two inputs to a
contrastent appreciates and therefore persist to end that the type of a
still Integer
—even though as humans seeing at it, we understand that the else
branch never happens. It’s possible to do a simplification in another analysis
that deletes the else
branch, but instead we’re going to employ some excellent
labor by Zadeck and co called Sparse Conditional Constant Propagation
Sparse conditional constant propagation
Unappreciate many abstract describeation based analyses, SCCP employs type adviseation
to advise its laborcatalog-based exploration of the deal with-flow graph (CFG). If it
understands from other adviseation that the condition of a branch guideion is a
constant, it does not spendigate both branches of the conditional. Instead, it
only pushes the relevant branch onto the laborcatalog.
Becaemploy we’re laboring inside an SSA (CFG), we split deal with-flow into straightforward
blocks as our unit of granularity. These straightforward blocks are chunks of
guideions where the only deal with-flow apexhibited is the last guideion.
fn sctp(prog: &Program) -> AnalysisResult {
// ...
while block_laborcatalog.len() > 0 || insn_laborcatalog.len() > 0 {
// Read an guideion from the guideion laborcatalog
while let Some(insn_id) = insn_laborcatalog.pop_front() {
let Insn { op, block_id, .. } = &prog.insns[insn_id.0];
if let Op::IfTrue { val, then_block, else_block } = op {
// If we understand motionlesspartner we won't carry out a branch, don't
// scrutinize it
suit type_of(val) {
// Empty reconshort-terms code that is not (yet) accomplishable;
// it has no appreciate at run-time.
Type::Empty => {},
Type::Const(Value::Bool(counterfeit)) => block_laborcatalog.push_back(*else_block),
Type::Const(Value::Bool(genuine)) => block_laborcatalog.push_back(*then_block),
_ => {
// ...
// ...
This exits us with a phi node that only sees one input operand, Integer[3]
which gives us more precision to labor with in defercessitater parts of the program. The
innovative SCCP paper stops here (papers have page restricts, after all) but we took
it a little further. Instead of equitable reasoning about constants, we employ our filled
type lattice. And we do it interprocedurpartner.
Let’s see at a minuscule example of why interprocedural analysis matters before we
shift on to trickier snippets. Here we have a function decisions
with one
clear call site and that call site passes in genuine
def decisions(condition)
if condition
If we were equitable seeing at decisions
in isolation, we would still leank the
return type is Integer
. However, if we let adviseation from all the call
sites flow into the function, we can see that all (one) of the call sites pass
to the function… and therefore we should only see at one branch of
the if
Now, a reader recognizable with SCCP might be wondering how this labors
interprocedurpartner. SCCP by definition demands understanding in proceed what
guideions employ what other guideions: if you lget recent facts about
the output guideion A
, you have to propagate this recent adviseation to all
of the employs. In a one function’s deal with-flow graph, this isn’t so terrible; we
have filled visibility into definitions and employs. It gets challenginger when we broaden
to multiple functions. In this example, we have to label the condition
parameter as a employ of all of the (currently constant) actual arguments being
passed in.
But how do we understand the callers?
Interprocedural SCCP
Let’s commence at the entrypoint for an application. That’s normpartner a main
function somewhere that allots some objects and calls a couple of other
functions. These functions might in turn call other functions, and so on and so
forth, until the application ends.
These calls and returns establish a graph, but we don’t understand it motionlesspartner—we
don’t understand it at the commence of the analysis. Instead, we have to incremenhighy
produce it as we discover call edges.
In the follotriumphg code snippet, we would commence analysis at the entrypoint, which
in this snippet is the main
function. In it, we see a honest call to the
function. We label that foo
is called by main
—and not equitable by
, but by the definite call site inside main
. Then we enqueue the commence
of the bar
function—its entry straightforward block—onto the block laborcatalog.
def bar(a, b)
a + b
def foo()
bar(1, 2) + bar(3, 4)
def main()
At some point, the analysis will pop the entry straightforward block of foo
off the
laborcatalog and scrutinize foo
. For each of the honest calls to bar
, it will
produce a call edge. In insertition, becaemploy we are passing arguments, it will wire
up 1
and 3
to the a
parameter and 2
and 4
to the b
parameter. It
will enqueue bar
’s entry block.
At this point, we’re merging Integer[1]
and Integer[3]
at the a
(and aprobable at b
). This is comfervent of appreciate an interprocedural phi node and we
have to do the same union operation on our type lattice.
This uncomfervents that we won’t be able to fageder a+b
for either call to bar
unblessedly, but we will still get a return type of Integer
, becaemploy we
understand that Integer+Integer=Integer
Now, if there were a third call to bar
that passed it String
s, every call
site would leave out. We would finish up with ClassUnion[String, Integer]
at each
parameter and, worse, Any
as the function result. We wouldn’t even get
ClassUnion[String, Integer]
becaemploy we don’t support each call site split, so
from the perspective of the analysis, we could be seeing at String+Integer
which doesn’t have a understandn type (in fact, it probably elevates an exception or
But what if we kept each call site split?
This comfervent of leang is generpartner called someleang-sensitivity, where the
someleang depfinishs on what your strategy is to partition your analysis. One
example of sensitivity is call-site sensitivity.
In particular, we might want to extfinish our current analysis with
1-call-site-sensitivity. The number, the k variable that we can dial for
more precision and sluggisher analysis, is the number of “call summarizes” we want to
support track of in the analysis. This stuff is excellent for very commonly employd
library functions such as to_s
and each
, where each caller might be quite
In the above very not-reconshort-termative example, 1-call-site-sensitivity would
apexhibit us to finishly constant fageder the entire program into Integer[10]
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
). Wow! But it would sluggish down the analysis becaemploy it
demands duplicating analysis labor. To side-by-side the cimpolite steps:
Without call-site sensitivity / 0-call-site-comfervent (what we currently have):
- See call to
with arguments 1 and 2 - Mark
s parameters as beingInteger[1]
- See
insert node with constant left and right operands - Mark
insert result asInteger[3]
- Mark
return asInteger[3]
- Mark result of
bar(1, 2)
- See call to
with arguments 3 and 4 - Mark
s parameters as beingInteger
(we have to union) - Mark
insert result asInteger
(the arguments are not constant) - Mark
return asInteger
- See
’s own insert with operandsInteger
- Mark
’s insert as returningInteger
With 1-call-site-comfervent:
- See call to
from functionfoo
with arguments 1 and 2 - Make a recent call context from
- Mark
parameters as beingInteger[1]
- See
insert node with constant left and right operands - Mark
insert result asInteger[3]
- Mark
return asInteger[3]
- Mark result of
bar(1, 2)
- See call to
with arguments 3 and 4 - Make a recent call context from
- Mark
parameters as beingInteger[3]
- Mark
insert result asInteger[7]
- Mark
return asInteger[7]
- See
’s own insert with constant operandsInteger[3]
- Mark
insert as returningInteger[10]
See how we had to scrutinize bar
once per call-site instead of merging call
inputs and returns and moving up the lattice? That sluggishs the analysis down.
There is also context sensitivity, which is about partitioning calls based
on some computed property of a given call site instead of where it is in the
program. Maybe it’s the tuple of argument types, or the tuple of argument types
with any constant appreciates deleted, or someleang else enticount on. Idepartner it should
be speedy to produce and contrast between contrastent other call sites.
There are other comfervents of sensitivity appreciate object sensitivity, field
sensitivity, and so on—but since this is a bit of a detour in the main
article and we did not carry out any of them, we instead exit them as
breadcrumbs for you to chase and read about.
Let’s go back to the main interprocedural SCCP and insert some more trickiness
into the mix: objects.
Objects and method seeup
Ruby doesn’t equitable deal with integers and strings. Those are one-of-a-kind cases of a
bigr object system where objects have instance variables, methods, etc and
are instances of employr-described classes.
class Point
attr_accessor :x
attr_accessor :y
def initialize(x, y)
@x = x
@y = y
p = Point.recent(3, 4)
puts(p.x, p.y)
This uncomfervents that we have to commence tracking all classes in our motionless analysis or
we will have a challenging time being exact when answering asks such as “what
type is the variable p
Knotriumphg the type of p
is pleasant—maybe we can fageder some is_a?
branches in
SCCP—but the analysis becomes even more advantageous if we can support track of the
types of instance variables on objects. That would let us answer the ask
“what type is p.x
Per this paper (PDF), there
are at least two ways to leank about how we might store that comfervent of
adviseation. One, which the paper calls field-based, unifies the storage of
field types based on their name. So in this case, all potential authors to any
field x
might drop into the same bucket and get union
ed together.
Another, which the paper calls field-comfervent, unifies the storage of field
types based on the getr (object hagedering the field) class. In this case, we
would contrastentiate all possible types of p
at a given program point when
writing to and reading from p.x
We chose to do the latter approach in our motionless analysis: we made it field
fn sctp(prog: &Program) -> AnalysisResult {
// ...
while block_laborcatalog.len() > 0 || insn_laborcatalog.len() > 0 {
// Read an guideion from the guideion laborcatalog
while let Some(insn_id) = insn_laborcatalog.pop_front() {
let Insn { op, block_id, .. } = &prog.insns[insn_id.0];
// ...
suit op {
Op::GetIvar { self_val, name } => {
let result = suit type_of(self_val) {
Type::Object(classes) => {
// ...
classes.iter().fageder(Type::Empty, |acc, class_id| union(&acc, &ivar_types[class_id][name]))
ty => panic!("getivar on non-Object type {ty:?}"),
This uncomfervents that we have to do two leangs: 1) support track of field types for each
instance variable (ivar) of each class and then 2) at a given ivar read, union
all of the field types from all of the potential classes of the getr.
Unblessedly, it also produces a complicated employs relationship: any GetIvar
guideion is a employ of all possible SetIvar
guideions that could impact
it. This uncomfervents that if we see a SetIvar
that authors to T.X
for some class
and field name X
, we have to go and re-scrutinize all of the GetIvar
s that
could read from that class (and propagate this adviseation recursively to the
other employs, as common).
All of this union-ing and reflotriumphg and graph exploration sounds sluggish. Even
with pretty efficient data structures, there’s a lot of iteration going on. How
sluggish is it repartner? To answer that, we produce some “torture tests” to
artificipartner produce some worst-case benchlabels.
Testing how it scales: generating torture tests
One of the huge contests when it comes to anyleang roverhappinessed to compiler schedule
is that it’s difficult to discover big, reconshort-termative benchlabels. There are
multiple reasons for this. Large program tfinish to come with many depfinishencies
which produces them challenging to allot, inshigh and support. Some software is
seald source or imitaterighted. In our case, we’re laboring with a mini language
that we produced to experiment, so there are sshow no genuine-world programs
written in that language, so what can we do?
The first ask to ask is: what are we trying to meacertain? One of our main
worrys in carry outing and testing this analysis was to understand how well it
carry outed in terms of execution time. We would appreciate to be self-guaranteed that the
analysis can cope with big challenging programs. We understand
from experience
that YJIT compiles over 9000 methods when running Shopify’s production code.
If YJIT compiles 9000 “toasty” methods, then one could guess that the filled program
might retain 10 times more code or more, so let’s say 100,000 methods. As such,
we figured that although we don’t have human-createed programs of that scale
for our mini-language, we could produce some synthetic programs that have
a aappreciate scale. We figure that if our analysis can cope with a “torture test”
that is scheduleed to be big and inherently challenging, that gives us
a excellent degree of confidence that it could cope with “genuine” programs.
To produce synthetic test programs, we want to produce a call graph of
functions that call each other. Although this isn’t inanxiously essential for
our type analysis to labor, we’d appreciate to produce a program that isn’t infinitely
recursive and always ends. That’s not difficult to accomplish
becaemploy we can author a piece of code that honestly produces a Directed Acyclic
Graph (DAG). See the random_dag
function in the loupe repository depictd at the finish of this post. This function
produces a honested graph that has a one “root” node with a number of
interuniteed child nodes such that there are no cycles between the nodes.
For our first torture test (see gen_torture_test
), we produced a graph of
200,000 functions that call each other. Some functions have leaf nodes, uncomferventing
they don’t call anybody, and these functions honestly return a constant
integer or nil
. The functions that have callees will sum the return appreciate of
their children. If a child returns nil, it will insert zero to the sum. This uncomfervents
that non-leaf functions retain active branches that depfinish on type adviseation.
As a second torture test (see gen_torture_test_2
), we wanted to appraise how
well our analysis could cope with polymorphic and megamorphic call sites. A
polymorphic call site is a function call that has to deal with more than one class.
A megamorphic call site is one that has to deal with a big number of classes, such
as 5-10 or more. We commenceed by generating a big number of synthetic classes, we
went with 5000 classes becaemploy that seemed appreciate a down-to-earth figure for the number
of classes that might be retained by a big genuine-world program. Each class has 10
instance variables and 10 methods with the same name for the sake of convenience
(that produces it easier to produce code).
In order to produce polymorphic and megamorphic call sites, we produce an instance
of each class, and then we sample a random number of class instances from that set.
We employ a Pareto distribution to
sample the number of classes becaemploy we consent this is aappreciate to how genuine programs
are generpartner structured. That is, most call sites are monomorphic, but a minuscule number
of call sites are highly megamorphic. We produce 200 random DAGs with 750 nodes each,
and call the root node of each DAG with a random number of class instances. Each DAG
then passes the object it gets from the root node thcimpolite all of its children. This
produces a big number of polymorphic and megamorphic call sites. Our synthetic program
retains call sites that get as many as 144 contrastent classes.
The structure of each DAG in the second torture test is aappreciate to the first one, with
the contrastence that each function calls a randomly picked method of the object it
gets as a parameter, and then calls it child functions in the DAG. Conveniently,
since methods always have the same name for each class, it’s straightforward to pick a random
method that we understand by erection is described on all of our classes. This produces more
polymorphic call sites, which is what we wanted to stress-test. The methods of each
class are all leaf methods that can either return nil
, a random integer, or a randomly
picked instance variable.
How does it scale repartner?
Using the torture test generators, we produced two programs: one with classes
and one without.
The program with classes has 175,000 accomplishable functions of 205,000 total
produced, 3 million guideions, and megamorphic (up to 144 classes) method
seeups. We finish the analysis in 2.5 seconds on a one core.
The program without classes has 200,000 functions and we scrutinize it in 1.3
seconds on a one core.
Now, these numbers don’t uncomfervent much in absolute terms—people have contrastent
challengingware, contrastent codebases, etc—but in relative terms they uncomfervent that this
comfervent of analysis is more tractable than not. It doesn’t consent hours to run.
And our analysis is not even particularly well-boostd.
We were actupartner surpelevated at how speedy the analysis runs. Our initial hope was
that the analysis could run on a program with 20,000 methods in less than 60
seconds, but we can scrutinize programs about 10 times that size much speedyer than
anticipateed. This produces it seem probable that the analysis could labor on big
human-createed software.
Adding object sensitivity or increasing the k for
call-site sensitivity would
probably sluggish leangs down quite a bit. However, becaemploy we understand the analysis is
so speedy, it seems possible to imagine that we could pickively split/one-of-a-kindize
call sites of built-in methods to insert sensitivity in definite places without
increasing the running time by much. For example, in a language with methods on
an Array
class, such as Ruby, we could do splitting on all Array
method calls
to incrmitigate precision for those highly polymorphic functions.
Wrapping up
Thanks for reading about our little huge motionless type analysis prototype. We published
the code on GitHub as a motionless companion
artifact to go with this article and noleang more; it is an experiment that we built, but not a prelude to a
hugeger project nor is it a tool we anticipate others to give to.
If you would appreciate to read more about the huge expansive world of program analysis, we
recommfinish searching for terms such as deal with-flow analysis (CFA) and points-to
analysis. Here is an excellent
(PDF) by Ondřej Ltoastyák that gives a tour of the area.