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Intel says its Raptor Lake crashing chip nightmare is over

Intel says its Raptor Lake crashing chip nightmare is over

Vmin Shift Instability Root Cause 

Intel® has localized the Vmin Shift Instability rerent to a clock tree circuit wiskinny the IA core which is particularly vulnerable to reliability aging under elevated voltage and temperature. Intel has watchd these conditions can direct to a duty cycle shift of the clocks and watchd system instability.  

Intel® has identified four (4) operating scenarios that can direct to Vmin shift in impacted processors: 

1) Motherboard power hand overy settings outdoing Intel power guidance. 

a. Mitigation: Intel® Default Settings adviseations for Intel® Core™ 13th and 14th Gen desktop processors.  

2) eTVB Microcode algorithm which was allothriveg Intel® Core™ 13th and 14th Gen i9 desktop processors to function at higher carry outance states even at high temperatures. 

a. Mitigation: microcode 0x125 (June 2024) insertresses eTVB algorithm rerent.  

3) Microcode SVID algorithm seeking high voltages at a frequency and duration which can cause Vmin shift. 

a. Mitigation: microcode 0x129 (August 2024) insertresses high voltages seeked by the processor.  

4) Microcode and BIOS code seeking elevated core voltages which can cause Vmin shift especipartner during periods of idle and/or airy activity. 

a. Mitigation: Intel® is releasing microcode 0x12B, which encompasses 0x125 and 0x129 microcode refreshs, and insertresses elevated voltage seeks by the processor during idle and/or airy activity periods.  

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