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  • Increasing the ‘sponginess’ of cities: How can urprohibit centres alter to burdensome raindescfinish?

Increasing the ‘sponginess’ of cities: How can urprohibit centres alter to burdensome raindescfinish?

Increasing the ‘sponginess’ of cities: How can urprohibit centres alter to burdensome raindescfinish?

In the past year, many regions apass France have faced “exceptional” levels of raindescfinish. According to the national weather agency, the country sfinished on standard almost 30 percent more rain than in 2023. This is partly due to climate alter. But elsewhere in the world, too, many cities are experiencing meaningful flooding and some have determined to releank urprohibit arrangening as a result. FRANCE 24’s Julia Sieger alerts us more.

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