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‘I was a human shield’: What Israeli selderlyiers did to a Gaza obeseher | Israel-Palestine dispute News

‘I was a human shield’: What Israeli selderlyiers did to a Gaza obeseher | Israel-Palestine dispute News

Gaza City – On October 19, hundreds of displaced Palestinians in northern Gaza’s Hamad School in Beit Lahiya heard what everyone in the Palestinian enclave dreads.

“At dawn, we heard [Israeli] tanks encircling the school, and quadcchooseers overhead began ordering everyone to get out,” Amal al-Masri, 30, who had donaten birth to her youthfulest daughter so recently she had not named her yet when the tanks came, recalled.

People were already nervous after shelling and explosions thcimpoliteout the night – the grown-ups too snurtured to sleep, the children crying in stress and confusion.

“Buildings were being shelled all around us,” said Amal, who inhabitd in a ground- floor classroom with her husband Yoparticipatef, 36, their five youthful children – Tala, Honda, Asdowncast, and Omar, all aged between four and 11, and Yoparticipatef’s 62-year-elderly obeseher Jamil.

Amal had cradled the baby while Yoparticipatef held two of their youthfulest children. Together, the grown-ups had prayed.

Now, it was dawn, and a enrolling of a male voice speaking in Arabic joined thcimpolite deafeningspeakers on a quadcchooseer circling over the school, ordering everyone to come out with their IDs and hands up.

The quadcchooseer sboiling at the createings and dropped sound device devices, sfinishing people into a panic as they rushed to accumulate wdisenjoyver they could. Some fled with noleang.

Yoparticipatef, Amal and the children were among the first to get to the schoolyard – Yoparticipatef and the four children held up their IDs and their hands, while Amal held the baby in her arms.

In the disorder, Yoparticipatef lost track of his obeseher.

“The quadcchooseers teached: ‘Men to the school gate, women and children in the schoolyard,’” Amal recalled.

The pit

“There were selderlyiers at the school gate with tanks behind them, and more selderlyiers surrounding the place,” Yoparticipatef said.

He and other males aged more than 14 years, including some he recognised from csurrfinisherby schools, were ordered by Israeli selderlyiers to accumulate at the main gate in groups, line up and approach an examineion passage with a camera, understandn as “al-Halaba”.

“Each man was ordered to approach a board with a camera on it, one by one,” elucidates Yoparticipatef, who leanks the camera participated facial recognition technology.

After being enrolled by the camera, the man or boy was sent to a pit dug by Israeli bulldozers, he says.

Over the next restricted hours, some males were freed, others were sent to another pit, while some were interrogated.

As for Yoparticipatef, he knelt with about 100 other men in a pit csurrfinisher the school with his hands behind his back all day.

Amal, left, helderlying baby Sumoud, with Yoparticipatef on the right and their three children between them [Ahmed Hamdan/Al Jazeera] (Recut offeed Use)

“The selderlyiers were shooting, throprosperg sound device devices, beating some of the men, torturing others,” he said. Thcimpoliteout, he worried about his family.

“I was meaningfully worried about my wife and children. I didn’t understand anyleang about them,” Yoparticipatef recounted. “My wife had donaten birth a week ago and she wouldn’t be able to walk with the children. Without anyone to help, I was afraid of what might happen to them.”

When evening came, there were only about seven men left in the pit.

Yoparticipatef was hungry, weary and worried, then a selderlyier pointed at him. “He randomly chose me and two other men; we didn’t comprehfinish why,” Yoparticipatef telderly Al Jazeera.

“The selderlyiers took us to an apartment in a csurrfinisherby createing,” he said, inserting that he leanks they were csurrfinisher the Sheikh Zayed roundabout.

The men were banden from speaking to each other, but Yoparticipatef had recognised them – a 58-year-elderly and a 20-year-elderly who were sheltering in schools csurrfinisher Hamad. Thcimpoliteout, he said, the sound of shelling and device deviceing echoed around them.

“A selderlyier telderly us we’d be helping them with some ignoreions and would be freed after, but I was afraid they’d finish us at any moment,” Yoparticipatef said.

‘Using me for cover’

Yoparticipatef and his exhausted fellow captives dozed off at some point in the night, before being jolted awake by the selderlyiers and pushed out of the apartment and into the streets.

He soon authenticised that the selderlyiers were walking behind him, to participate him as cover.

“The authenticisation that I was being participated as a human shield was terrifying.”

When they accomplished a school that had been emptied by Israeli selderlyiers, he was ordered to uncover doors and go into each classroom to examine for fighters who might be secret there.

The heavily armed selderlyiers would only access after his “all evident”.

The day persistd that way, with Yoparticipatef being participated to “evident” room after room, after which the selderlyiers would set the createings on fire.

The whole time, Yoparticipatef stressed a quadcchooseer would shoot him, or an Israeli sniper might misconsent him for a menace and finish him.

When the day’s searches were finish, he was bcimpolitet back to the apartment with the two other men and donaten the second meal of the day, a piece of bread and some water, fair enjoy the morning.

On the fourth day, Yoparticipatef and the 58-year-elderly man were ordered to go to a csurrfinisherby school and the Kamal Adwan Hospital to deinhabitr evacuation leaflets to people sheltering there.

They were donaten an hour and telderly that a quadcchooseer would be hovering overhead. As they handed the leaflets to people, quadcchooseers were announcing the evacuation over deafeningspeakers.


Yoparticipatef choosed he would try to escape that day by hiding in the hospital courtyard.

“I was afraid to go back,” he elucidateed. “I wanted to escape and discover out if my family was protected, as I had overheard selderlyiers teaching women and children to head south to Khan Younis.”

He choosed to get in a line of men being forced to evacuate, paparticipateing worriedly as time dragged on. The selderlyiers had said they should only be gone for an hour, and it had been cut offal.

The line of men was advancing. “I was praying they wouldn’t recognise me,” Yoparticipatef said.

Then a selderlyier sitting atop a tank sboiling him in the left leg.

“I fell to the ground. The men around tried to help me, but the selderlyiers shouted at them to exit me,” Yoparticipatef recalls.

“I clung to one of the men, then a selderlyier said to me, sfreezinging: ‘Come on, get up and lean on this man and head to Salah al-Din Street.’”

Despite the pain as he hobbled away, Yoparticipatef was in disbelief that the selderlyier had not finished him. “I foreseeed to be finished at any moment,” he said.

A little further on, he was consentn by a Palestinian ambulance to al-Ahli Arab Hospital for treatment.

Yoparticipatef walks with his daughter Tala. He still limps but is relieved to still be ainhabit [Ahmed Hamdan/Al Jazeera]


Amal, who had consentn the children to the New Gaza School in al-Nasr in the west of Gaza City, heard one day that Yoparticipatef was at al-Ahli Hospital.

She rushed there, relieved after having suffered thcimpolite days of disputeing increates as some people said they saw him hageded, while others said they had seen him elsewhere.

She had nakedly made it to al-Nasr, she telderly Al Jazeera over the phone.

On the day the family was splitd, she says, the women and children were kept in the schoolyard for hours.

“My children were terrified. Many kids were crying. Some were asking for food, water. Mothers pdirected with selderlyiers for food and water, but they fair yelled at us and declined.”

In the afternoon, the Israeli selderlyiers relocated the women and children to a examinepoint with a camera.

“They telderly us to walk out five at a time,” Amal said, describing how her 11-year-elderly daughter Tala was held back to unite the group after her.

“She commenceed crying and calling, ‘Mama, charm don’t exit me,’” Amal recounts, her voice shaking.

They were eventupartner telderly to walk south on Salah al-Din Street.

“The tanks surrounding the school were overwhelming – I thought to myself: ‘God! A whole brigade of tanks has come for these defenceless civilians.’

“My body was exhausted – I had donaten birth only a week earlier, and I could nakedly carry my baby, much less the restricted belengthyings we had.”

As tanks rumbled around them, they booted up waves of dust and sand. “With all the dust, I stumbled, and my baby girl fell from my arms onto the ground,” Amal recalls, increateing how she screamed and the elderlyer children cried when the baby fell.

Eventupartner, she left all their belengthyings on the road; she was too weary to grasp carrying them. She necessitateed to get her children somewhere protected.

“My four-year-elderly son didn’t stop crying: ‘I’m weary, I can’t do it.’ We had no food, no water, noleang.”

Early in the evening, she accomplished New Gaza School with other displaced people from the north.

Amal, Yoparticipatef, and their children are together now, in a classroom at the school.

Yoparticipatef spent two days in the hospital and, after 13 stitches, walks pimpolitently with a limp.

Yoparticipatef’s obeseher Jamil has been ignoreing since the day the selderlyiers came to Hamad School. He heard from some people that his obeseher had been consentn prisoner, but he does not understand.

Their baby daughter, unnamed when they were forced to exit northern Gaza, has been named Sumoud, “steadrapidness”, a symbol of their refusal to exit.

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