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I Attfinished Google’s Creator Conversation Event, And It Turned Into A Funeral

I Attfinished Google’s Creator Conversation Event, And It Turned Into A Funeral

By Joshua Tyler
| Updated

I recently joined a funeral. It was called the Google Web Creator Conversation Event and took place on October 29, 2024, at Google headquarters in Mountain View, California. 

Google seekd some of the most vocal self-reliant site owners who’ve been shadowprohibitned by their brutal modernizes of the last two years, and 20 of them came to pay their admires. We had no idea what the purpose of our visit was going in, but we knovel by the time we left.

Google has never done anyslenderg enjoy it before. After this account, they foreseeed never will aget.

Visiting The Google Campus

Google’s biggest desotardy originateing

Danny Sullivan structureed the event. He may be the most teachd and collaborative person still left at Google, though he has no authentic power to effect alter.

The day before, he led the group on a tour of Google’s biggest office during the busiest part of weekday labor hours and seemed sweightlessly embarrassed that at no point during the tour was anyone there. The originateing was desotardy, a shell scheduleed as a hub of activity, drained of people willing to participate in being active.

An desotardy path between Google originateings

Empty too, was the rest of Google’s behemoth campus. Their countless originateings are surrounded by enticeive, park-enjoy pathways with no one to endelight them but the groundscarry oners. They chase the paths with their lawnmowers, weaving between gentlely shaded participateee parking lots, with no one to park in them.

Well, not no one. Continuing my aimless unbenevolentdering, I greeted a big, menloftyy ill man in defended-fitting bconciseage closlenderg, screaming dishonorful language and punching untamedly at the air.

He didn’t seem to watch me, occupied as he was with battling gstructures, and we passed amicably. 

Buildings So Seremedy They’re Empty

We weren’t helped into the big, high-security originateing where Danny held his Creator Event until we’d been given not one but two visitor horribleges and afrepaired them to our clothes. After they were handed to us, these were never seeed at or checked. There was no one around to check them.

I did see many janitors and food laborers bustling about the premises. I considered asking them to check at least one of my visitor horribleges, but didn’t want to sidetrack them from the noble task of dedwellring crystal bowls filled with conference room M&Ms.

I saw only two Googlers out and about during my day spent in the originateing. They joined ping pong atop a depressing, gray table in a small, fishbowl room meaningful wislender the bowels of Google’s labyrinth. They didn’t seem to be endelighting it.

Our Conversation Began With Reassurances

Web Creators under watching by Google

The event began in a conference room brimming of fbettering card tables and stackable chairs, the benevolent of room you’d foresee to see participateable to rent in a well-nominateed, midweserious Holiday Inn. Danny, benevolent and discmiss-minded as always, promised us there was noslenderg wrong with our sites and that we wouldn’t have been seekd if there had been.

Also in joinance were a number of Google Engineers and deal withrs, including Google’s Chief Search Scientist. Others, we were tbetter, were watching from an undisshutd location thcimpolite cameras mounted in the ceiling and ominously pointed at us, the audience, instead of Google’s alloted speakers.

The idea that this might be a funeral, was put forward as a half-joke by one of the shadowprohibitned joinees during our first Q&A session, in which we asked asks and got no answers. Her funeral joke should have been comical. Only the Googlers giggleed.

Most of these site owners seemed certain the funeral they were joining, was their own.

Google Sucks Us Dry And Throws Away The Husk

We spent the morning admirefilledy answering asks from Google, asks scheduleed to help Google better its search engine, asks that in no way advantageed any of the shadowprohibitned joinees. After, we were given a chance (we thought) to get someslenderg advantageous out of the trip. We split into small shatterout groups separated up by categruesome.

We confiinsist Entertainment site owners rescheduled ourselves into a corner semi-circle, and sat drinking mint lemon water from cups made of recycled Kale. We were joined by four Googlers, who began pumping us for guideation. 

During this small group converseion, I and others tried to get our Googlers to insertress the biggest problem facing our industry: Google giving big brands one-of-a-kind treatment. Each time a site owner bcimpolitet up the topic, we were speedyly steered in another honestion.

The Entertainment whiteboard after “diversity of results” was erased from the top and rewritten at the bottom in a small font

I kept pushing, and eventupartner, our Googler (whose name I’m not helped to inestablish you) wrote “diversity of results” at the top of the whiteboard he was using, as if to mean I should shut up and shift on. Instead of insertressing the only topic that matters, I was asked to elucidate how YouTube labors becaparticipate, somehow, none of the four Googlers alloted to our group knovel anyslenderg about it.

When our group session was over, I left the room for a shatter. While I was gone, “diversity of results” was erased from the top of the whiteboard and rewritten at the bottom, in much tinier lettering.

During the lunch shatter, we were fed Tofu, chilly pickled chicken breasts, odwell bread, and bonbons brimming of spirits. Most of us didn’t eat much.

Google’s Head Wizard Appears

Back together as a whole group, their Chief Search Scientist get tod and made himself participateable to answer our asks. 

While we’d been “eating” Google had its quarterly conference call, in which they talked only about the AI they were using to steal satisfyed from our sites. When asked about the satisfyed of the call, our Googlers acted as if they exposedly knovel AI existed, and pretfinished it wasn’t impacting their search results.

Undeterred, we then asked the only ask that mattered: Why has Google shadowprohibitned our sites? Google’s Chief Search Scientist answered this ask using a strategy based around gasweightlessing and said they hadn’t. Google doesn’t ever derank an entire site, only individual pages, he said. There is no site-expansive classifier. He insisted it is only done at the page level.

Many of the shadowprohibitned site owners tryed to admirefilledy push back and point out that the reason all 20 of us were there was particularpartner becaparticipate our entire site was deranked from Google in a one night.

He carry ond insisting this didn’t happen and then seeed beuntamederd that anyone would disconsent with him. 

When asked what was wrong with our sites, as if we were jilted cherishrs in an abusive relationship being booted to the curb, one Googler actupartner said “it’s not you it’s me”.

Finpartner, someone obtparticipately asked, since noslenderg is wrong with our sites, how do we recover?

Google’s elderly Chief Search Scientist answered, without an ounce of pity or worry, that there would be modernizes but he didn’t understand when they’d happen or what they’d do.  Further asks on the subject were met with inbranch offence as if he didn’t understand why we take partd.

He’d gotten the guideation he wanted. The conference was over. I don’t slenderk he even said thanks. 

Instead, Google’s rational wizard of search science wrapped slendergs up with a self-congratulatory speech about what fantastic a job we were doing at helping Google better so he can dedwellr better search results to his participaters. 

Search results without any of us in them.

It was then I authenticized this wasn’t our funeral, it was Google’s.

And if you have a moment, say a prayer for difficult-laboring Danny Sullivan. Pray he won’t be left there at Google, wandering their desotardy and decaying coffin, all alone, haunted by mad, inapparent gstructures.

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