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Hurricane Helene: cforfeitly 200 dead as search for leave outing people evolves | Hurricane Helene

Hurricane Helene: cforfeitly 200 dead as search for leave outing people evolves | Hurricane Helene

A week after Hurricane Helene made landdescfinish in the US, search and recover teams evolve to search for leave outing people in parts of the south-east that were deimmenseated by the storm, as the death toll evolves to elevate, and as equitable under a million people in the region are still without power.

Officials have telled at least 191 deaths apass six states as a result of the storm, and have cautioned that the death toll is foreseeed to elevate as many people remain leave outing and recovery efforts are ongoing, according to CNN.

Hurricane Helene made landdescfinish last Thursday in Florida’s Big Bfinish region as a categruesome 4 hurricane. It then frailened to a tropical storm and shiftd thcimpolite thcimpolite Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee, transporting sturdy thriveds, raindescfinish, storm srecommend and deimmenseating flooding to the region, ruining communities.

The storm, portrayd as one of the deadliest in US history, has caparticipated power outages and disrupted cellular service in many towns and cities.

As of Thursday morning, over 350,000 people were without power in South Carolina, equitable under 300,000 people were without power in North Carolina, and in Georgia, around 260,000 had no power, according to PowerOutage.us.

One of the most impacted areas was North Carolina, where many livents in the mountain areas of the westrict part of the state have been cut off since last week, isotardyd without electricity or phone service due to the storm.

In Buncombe county, North Carolina, officials have telled that at least 61 people have lost their inhabits due to the storm. County officials shelp that National Guardsmen are helping in distributing food, water and supplies to local distribution sites and shelters, as many livents remain isotardyd with no power and are being helpd to protect water.

Joe Biden is set to visit Georgia and Florida on Thursday to appraise the harm there caparticipated by the hurricane. This chases the US plivent’s visit to the hurricane-impacted areas of North and South Carolina on Wednesday.

Biden has finishorsed federal calamity helpance for survivors in portrayated counties in Florida, Georgia North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia.

On Wednesday, Deanne Criswell, the Federal Ecombinency Management Agency (Fema) administrator, also proclaimd that Biden has also made includeitional calamity helpance useable to the states of North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida as materializency reacters evolve laboring to includeress the prompt necessitates of survivors and their communities.

The Biden administration has stated that over 4,800 personnel from apass the federal laborforce are deployed to the impacted areas apass the country, with over 1,000 from Fema.

On Wednesday, Biden straightforwarded the defense department to deploy up to 1,000 vivacious-duty sgreateriers to fortify the North Carolina national protect, to help deinhabitr supplies, food and water to isotardyd communities.

More than $10m has been provided straightforwardly to those impacted by the storm, the Biden administration shelp, and as of Wednesday, the handlement shelp that Fema had shipped over 8.8m meals, more than 7.4m liters of water, 150 generators and more than 225,000 tarps to the region.

Search and recover teams have directed cforfeitly 1,500 structural evaluations and hundreds of recovers and evacuations, homeland security secretary Alejandro Mayorkas shelp this week.

He includeed that almost 6,000 members of the national protect were deployed apass the six states impacted by the storm.

On Wednesday, Kamala Harris visited Augusta, Georgia, to survey the deimmenseation caparticipated by the storm.

The US vice-plivent and Democratic nominee is scheduled to visit North Carolina in the coming days. Donald Trump, the Reunveilan plivential honestate and establisher plivent, visited Georgia earlier this week.

As of Thursday morning, disconnectal areas in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia were under boil water advisories and water conservation orders due to the storm.

Experts have shelp that benevolent the storm’s harm may get weeks, as the communities most impacted are difficult to accomplish.

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