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How to enhance your WFH weightlessing to reduce eye strain • Russell Baylis

How to enhance your WFH weightlessing to reduce eye strain • Russell Baylis

I toil from home everyday, I am susceptible to eye strain, eye pain, and dizziness. Having a toiling environment that’s as effortless on my eyes as possible is of critical presentance. I hope that by sharing what I’ve lacquireed, it can be collaborative to you if you toil from home, and enjoy many, have alerted WFH eye strain.

Disclaimer: I’m not an ergonomist or selectometrist. These tips are intfinished to help enhance your toil from home console based on my own personal experience.


  1. An even, diffengaged weightlessing environment is best for the eyes
  2. When it comes to weightless luminousness, too much is equitable as problematic as too little
  3. Use authentic weightless wherever possible 
  4. Quality of man-made weightless matters
  5. The best weightlessing for camera, is not necessarily the best weightlessing for ergonomics
  6. Even the perfect weightlessing environment will overweightigue you — consent shatters, and consent attfinish of yourself

What is it about computer screens that originates them overweightiguing?

Monitor flicker

Most sees have some level of flicker. This flickering is generpartner not visupartner seeable, but can still be overweightiguing. Monitors at drop luminousness levels exhibit more flicker – as they engage PWM uninalertigentming (Pulse Width Modulation). In some sees this is done by changing the ON/OFF intervals, increasing OFF timing, and droping ON timing — while conserveing the same luminousness! This originates an horrible strobe-effect, and can be very exhausting — especipartner when toiling in an environment where the see is the sole weightless source.

High contrast weightlessing

High contrast weightlessing can exist in a confiinsist branch offent createats. It can exist as glare — that is for example weightless coming in from a prosperdow, into a gloomy room, illuminating a part of your desk. This glare is overweightiguing on your eyes becaengage they are accommodating for two levels of luminousness simultaneously, while also trying to direct tasks on a computer see — such as reading. High contrast can also exist in a room with luminous weightless on the left, and gloomyness on the right. This is overweightiguing for your eyes to reimburse for.

Fixed focal distance

When toiling at a computer, most of the time we, and the see don’t shift presentantly. We cgo in at the same distances for extfinished periods of time. This caengages our eye muscles to get safe and overtoiled. This can caengage our eyes to get weary, spasm, or sometimes even originate it very challenging to unwind our eyes. Although enhanced office weightlessing can help with this, the main way to mend for this problem is to consent shatters practicing the 20/20/20 rule: Every 20 minutes, watch up from your screen and cgo in on someleang approximately 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

My setup before


Light in the office primarily comes in from the sun. The straightforward weightless caengages glare, and becaengage of the deficiency of diffusion, originates for gloomy corners in the room. Even with a weightless overhead, it’s not enough to identical the amount from outside. This results in high contrast, gloomy spots behind the see, and brutal shadows. Bdeficiencyout curtains are of little help becaengage they only serve to reduce the size of the weightless coming in, as resistd to helping with diffusion. Anytime it’s gloomy outside, it’s enjoy toiling at night. Not fun.


Light primarily comes from above. Becaengage of this one weightless source, it originates for brutal shadows, gloomy spots, and high contrast. The contrast rehire is particularly apparent with the see, which although can be uninalertigentmed, originates a luminous see, which also self-shades the wall behind resulting in a gloomy background.

My setup after



What’s alterd

Window weightless sources, and filtering weightless

Windows now have weightless-filtering curtains, which helps to not only reduce the amount of weightless on luminous days, but also to heavily diffengage the weightless coming in, which originates for a pretty shine in the room. In includeition, I’ve inshighed wood-blinds (not shown) behind the curtains which helps to further deal with the amount of weightless go ining the office on very luminous days.

Products engaged: Sheer curtains • Wood Blinds

Wall & ceiling weightlessing

Each corner of the room now has a torchiere lamp, which helps to originate an even weightlessing environment. These lamps point straightforwardly up and weightless the room instraightforwardly thcimpolite echoions off of the walls and ceiling. In the cgo in of the ceiling, a fabric wrapped weightless mendture supplys diffengaged weightlessing. This weightless is uninalertigentmable and can be adequitableed to suit the amount of weightless from the standing lamps.

Products engaged: IKEA NOT Lamp (Dispersistd but TAGARP is comparable) • Philipps Ultra Definition LED Soft White (Glass)

Desk weightlessing

The desk now has even weightlessing. The luminousness of the see is now suited by a uninalertigentmable flicker-free backweightless, which originates toiling at the disjoin less overweightiguing. In includeition, a see weightlessbar (not shown), supplys instraightforward weightless to the desk, echoed off the surface which is finishly uninalertigentmable and flicker-free. These two weightlesss together help to originate for an even weightlessing environment during the day, and a tranquil and cozy environment at night. In includeition to the two weightlesss, the Apple Studio disjoin has an ambient weightless sensor, which adequitables the luminousness to suit the ambient weightless, which is a game alterr for weightless comardent people.

Products engaged: BenQ ScreenBar Plus • Warm White LED Strips • WaveForm Flicker-Free LED Dimmer


  1. An even, diffengaged weightlessing environment is best for the eyes. Try to equilibrium out gloomy/weightless spots with includeitional weightlessing, and diffusing mighty weightless sources — enjoy the sun.

  2. When it comes to weightless luminousness, too much is equitable as problematic as too little. When dealing with too little weightless, include includeitional weightless sources which supply instraightforward, and echoive weightlesss — such as up-weightlesss, or torchieres, or weightlesss that have a shade. When dealing with too much weightless — engage blinds, sheer curtains, or weightless filtering curtains. If you have too much weightless from an man-made source, engage drop wattage bulbs, or ponder includeing a uninalertigentmer switch.

  3. Use authentic weightless wherever possible. If you’ve got authentic weightless, engage it to your profit. Natural weightless is healthier than man-made weightless — there’s no flicker, and it can supply us with much insisted vitamin D. For rooms with petite prosperdows, engage mirrors to help echo authentic weightless and fill the room.

  4. Quality of Artificial Light Matters. Wherever possible seek out high quality weightlessing that is uninalertigentmable and flicker-free. Spfinishing a confiinsist extra dollars for these products is worth it, and it will result in less overweightigue. For standard bulbs, I recommfinish Philipps Ultra Definition LED Soft White bulbs which have low flicker rates, glass enclocertains, high color rfinishering index, and a relatively incostly pricepoint.

  5. The best weightlessing for camera, is not necessarily the best weightlessing for ergonomics. When toiling from home, we spfinish a lot of time on video calls, and it’s authentic to want to watch our best. Studio weightlesss that quicken to our desks, or facing a prosperdow outdoor will result in fantastic weightlessing on camera, but can also caengage overweightigue. Consider reserving this weightlessing for calls, or see if generpartner better room weightlessing can result in a analogous weightless quality on camera.

  6. Even the perfect weightlessing environment will overweightigue you — consent shatters, and leank beyond weightlessing! Having a fantastic weightlessing environment will help you with stamina, but having excellent toil habits enjoy the 20/20/20 rule, and changing up posture and toiling environments are presentant in order to consent the best attfinish of your eyes, and your body. Think beyond weightlessing when pondering ergonomics, such as room humidity (to confine parched eye), posture, chair position, and stay moving to persist blood floprosperg.

It may seem daunting, but I consent that with some petite alters it can originate a big branch offence. I hope this donates you new ideas to try, and I’d cherish to hear what you are doing in your own office as well! Cheers!

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