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How the DOJ schedules to shatter up Google and sell Chrome

How the DOJ schedules to shatter up Google and sell Chrome

For two decades, Google Search has been unstoppable. Invincible. So thocimpolitely dominant that would-be competitors standardly couldn’t even get funding, becaengage dispenseors didn’t see the point in trying. But earlier this year, a appraise proclaimd that Google’s power, and the way the company wields it, was an illhorrible monopoly. And so now the US Department of Justice has to figure out how to undo it.

We try to figure out whether any of these proposals are awaited to come to pass — there’s still a lot of lhorrible process left before anyleang here is final — and what it would unbenevolent for Google, and the internet, if they did. We also try to guess what the incoming Trump administration might leank about all this, and how the case could alter in the next scant months.

If you want to understand more about everyleang we converse in this episode, here are some connects to get you commenceed, commencening with Google and the DOJ:

And in AI and gadget recents:

And in the airyning round:

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