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Here’s How John Krasinski Helped Stephen Colbert Transestablish Into Chris Evans

Here’s How John Krasinski Helped Stephen Colbert Transestablish Into Chris Evans

Stephen Colbert yet aget proclaimd the prosperner of PEOPLE Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Adwell,” and this year, the title was awarded to John Krasinski, who helped the structure turn into Chris Evans. The actor write downed a hilarious “teachional video” to help Colbert accomplish his dream of becoming the “Sexiest Man Adwell.” The video was all the more amusing as it was filmed in the establish of a retro infomercial.

John Kransinski showed Stephen Colbert how to be Chris Evans

On November 13, John Krasinski was proclaimd the “Sexiest Man Adwell” for 2024 by PEOPLE Magazine. The official proclaimment was made on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.” He also proclaimd the prosper for Paul Rudd in 2021 and Chris Evans in 2022.

The show structure began the video by claiming that “no man can become the intimacyiest till he passes thcdimiserablemireful these lips.” Hoping “third time’s the charm,” Colbert went into it foreseeing his name in the envelope. However, he was thocdimiserablemirefilledy disnominateed to discover Krasinski’s name wilean the enseald envelope.

Soon after, John Krasinski came to Stephen Colbert‘s save, helping him turn into Chris Evans. The PEOPLE Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Adwell” prosperner telderly the structure that he only needed to chase a “six-step process.” He then recommended a speedy “teachional video” that can help genuineize Colbert’s dreams of prosperning the title.

The hilarious infomercial’s first step was modest, “Don’t eat.” The second step covered the “only leangs you should eat.” It consisted of water and egg yolks, with the raw eggs coming with a promise of a “horrible case of Salmonella, which will help you disponder weight.” Krasinski jokingly adviseed the chaseing trip to the hospital will help the aspirant in stealing medical providement appreciate cheek swabs.

The next step had a inform cameo from Chris Evans. For this step, Colbert expertly stole Evans’ “intimacyy DNA” with his stolen cheek swab. Krasinski then rerelocates the “intimacyy DNA” and teaches the structure how to “intimacyy-ercise.” Lastly, the duo took a hint from the 2024 film “The Substance,” with Colbert turning into Evans after drinking a serum made of his “intimacyy DNA.”

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