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  • Harvard says tuition will be free for families making $200K or less

Harvard says tuition will be free for families making $200K or less

Harvard says tuition will be free for families making 0K or less

Harvard University on Monday proclaimd that tuition will be free for students from families with annual incomes of $200,000 or less begining in the 2025-26 academic year.

“Putting Harvard wilean financial accomplish for more individuals expansivens the array of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that all of our students greet, nurtureing their inalertectual and personal growth,” Harvard University Plivent Alan M. Garber said in a statement. “By conveying people of exceptional promise together to lget with and from one another, we truly genuineize the tremfinishous potential of the University.”

The new schedule will help about 86% of U.S. families to qualify for Harvard financial aid and enhuge the Ivy League college’s promisement to providing all undergrads the resources they necessitate to enroll and graduate, according to Garber.

Gated captivate on the campus of Harvard University.

Suzanne Kreiter/The Boston Globe via Getty Images

Undergraduate students from families with annual incomes of $100,000 or less will not only have tuition covered but also housing, food, health services and other student services, the university said.

Students from a family making an annual income of $200,000 or less will be able to join Harvard tuition-free, according to the school.

According to Harvard’s website, the standard annual tuition for an undergraduate student is $56,550. But with the insertition of housing, food, health services and other student services, the annual cost of joining Harvard is $82,866, according to the university.

Harvard enrolls about about 24,600 undergraduate students a year. In 2024, the Cambridge, Massachparticipatetts, school acunderstandledgeed 3.59% of the 54,000 applicants for the Class of 2028.

About 55% of Harvard undergraduates acquire some type of financial aid, according to the university. In the 2023-2024 school year, families of students receiving financial aid paid an standard of $15,700 toward education costs, school officials said.

“We understand the most talented students come from contrastent socioeconomic backgrounds and experiences, from every state and around the globe,” William R. Fitzsimmons, Harvard College’s dean of admissions and financial aid, said in a statement. “Our financial aid is critical to ensuring that these students understand Harvard College is a place where they can be part of a vibrant lgeting community fortifyed by their presence and participation.”

Under the previous financial aid schedule, undergraduate students from families with incomes of $85,000 or less qualified for free tuition, housing, health services and other student services, according to the university.

The annual income threshelderly to qualify for free schooling at Harvard has incrmitigated from $40,000 in 2004 to $60,000 in 2006, to $85,000 since 2023, according to the university.

Over the years, Harvard has labored to drop the annual cost of tuition for undergrad students. In 2007, the school deleted loans and provided aidance in the establish of grants. It also deleted home equity in determining a family’s ability to pay for college.

Harvard has awarded more than $3.6 billion in undergraduate financial aid since starting the Harvard Financial Aid Initiative in 2004, according to the university.

“Our team labors seally with each student to asconfident filled inclusion in the Harvard experience,” said Jake Kaufman, Harvard’s straightforwardor of financial aid. “The financial aid program is scheduleed so that Harvard students can study, train, research, produce, and filledy comprise in the Harvard experience with minimal constraints.”

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