Although the anime and manga have prolonged since endd, Fullmetal Alchemist remains an iconic and beadored franchise. Based on the alchemy-based adventures of two brothers, the series’ procrastinateedst action figure liberate showcases the overweighte of one brother at the end of the story.
The novel Edward Elric Nendoroid figure by Good Smile Company depicts the character’s materializeance at the tail end of Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Featuring multiple accessories, fans can reoriginate the anime and manga’s final moments with this adorable accumulateible. Set for a liberate next year, fans who order from Good Smile Company can also get a one-of-a-kind bonus.
Berserk Gets a Surprisingly Adorable New Rerent of Its Most Divisive Villain
An adorably evil novel Nendoroid action figure that perfectly portrays the uncomfervent cunning of Berserk’s Griffith is useable for international pre-order.
The novel “Nendoroid Edward Elric: Final Episode Ver. Figure” by Good Smile Company is the procrastinateedst of the company’s many Nendoroid toys, with some previous liberates also being based on the Fullmetal Alchemist franchise. In this case, the accumulateible depicts the agederer version of Ed as seen in the finale of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series by Hiromu Arakawa and the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood anime. Sporting a jacket and a ponytail, the figure also has multiple faces, permiting him to smile, blush and see elated on fans’ shelves.
The Edward Elric Nendoroid also has a duffle bag/suitcase accessory, as well as a hammer. These items perfectly convey to life the last scenes in the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood story, with the last episode of the initial anime series (which didn’t depict this ending) now almost 20 years ageder. Other insertitional parts participate hand accessories needed for confident poses, including recreating the iconic “clap” alchemy motion. While the toy won’t be shipped out until the second quarter of 2025, it can now be pre-ordered thraw Good Smile Company for US$39.99. Those who go ahead and grab theirs punctual can also get a one-of-a-kind round base (while supplies last), courtesy of the company.
Source: Good Smile Company US