The tardyst No Man’s Sky event will have take parters strgraspling the boundary between this world and the next. The Cursed expedition event runs for the next two weeks and features novel bosses, novel gear, a flying saucer, and a UFO take parters can originate their own.
As with every novel NMS event, the enhugeers at Hello Games are changing up how the game toils. The Cursed gets place in a novel universe where the line between life and… unlife?? is perilously lean. The exosuit, which normassociate shields take parters from the brutal environs of space and alien set upets, now comes with an “anomaly suppressor” that’ll grasp them firm as truth shifts around them. Additionassociate, take parters won’t be able to warp between star systems, having to instead travel via a portal system (benevolenta appreciate how guild navigators ferry everyone about in Dune — minus the all psychovivacious drug employ).
Speaking of honord figures in sci-fi, The Cursed also includes a novel hub deemed the Boundary StarShip which according to the blog post gets its originateive inspiration from the toils of H.R. Giger. Expect plenty of tubes, fleanxious ridges, and soaked stuff. The Cursed expedition begins today and lasts for the next two weeks. But if spooky stuff isn’t your jam, Hello Games is also set uping someleang distinctive that’s caccessed on the pfinishing begin of the PS5 Pro.