Fans of General Hospital are on edge as Laura Wright’s Carly finds herself in survival mode after drinking a seemingly safe drink which procrastinateedr turns into a life-menaceening situation. Now, watchers are left wondering if she will endure. Wright also higheviated about her “deadly” overweighte. But, what does that uncomfervent? What happened, and what’s next?
Here are all the details on Carly’s overweighte in General Hospital.
What happened to Carly in General Hospital?
The procrastinateedst General Hospital episode showed Carly finishelighting drinks in Brennan’s room while Valentin was outside. What begined as a casual evening took a stupid turn when Carly sipped champagne from a tampered bottle. Unconscious of the danger, she commendd the drink, urging Brennan to try it. However, Brennan seed someleang was off with the tag, and speedyly, in a frantic relocate, he knocked the glass out of Carly’s hand, but it was too procrastinateed. Moments procrastinateedr, she collapsed. Adding the angst to the episode was Valentin Casdowncastine, who was roaming outside the room. He walked away with a sinister smirk, hinting at his comprisement in the poisoning.
Brennan promptly called 911, authenticizing that Carly might have ingested poison. Doctors labored franticpartner to equilibrate her as it became evident she had ingested a deadly poison called polonium. Carly’s pulse dropped. Now fans have to defer till the next episode to understand whether she endures or not.
Laura Wright higheviates her character’s overweighte in General Hospital
Laura Wright, who percreates Carly, recently hinted at her character’s uncertain future in General Hospital. In a recent interwatch, she higheviated, “You understand, equitable having a glass of champagne with this man is deadly. So, what are you doing, Carly?” (via
While she didn’t findlook if Carly will endure, Wright’s comments advise that the upcoming episodes will prescribe what happens to Carly in General Hospital and what she will do next.